Shock coming from pacer area

Hi I am 27 and I have had my pacer for 3 years. Over the last year I have recieved some pretty serious "shocks" from around my left shoulder. Nothing shows up on my check-ups. I have been shocked so hard that it makes my shoulder and arm convulse enough that those around me notice. Has anyone else had this happen?



by ElectricFrank - 2009-10-06 10:10:28

Whats more likely than a shock is that something is impinging on a nerve, kind of like hitting the crazy bone. Could be that the pacer has shifted enough to be pinching a nerve.


You're not alone

by DizzyLizzy - 2009-10-21 11:10:22

I have had a pacemaker for 20 years (since I was nine) and I have experienced shocks similar to what you are describing.

First, when I was 15 and still on my first pacemaker, I was sitting in class as normal and felt intense pain in my pacemaker site and my arm and hand get really tingly and twitchy. I went to the nurse, which was a level up, so as I walked up the stairs it got worse and my arm was kinds flailing and it hurt SO BAD. Turns out where the lead connects to the pacer device had come lose so my pacermaker was literally kinda shocking me. I ended up getting pacer #2 three days later.

Second, I often experience "shocks/tingles" in my pacer area. I feel them when I get static shock like when you walk across carpet and touch a doorknob and if there is a real bad thunderstorm outside with lots of lightening. My doctor told me that neither of these were possible. I recently met another girl my age with a pacemaker who expericenes the same sensation both with static shocks and with lightening and her doc told her the same thing. We both have Medtronic pacemakers.

Despite what your doctor tells you, unless he has a pacemaker and truly understands all the quirks that come with having one, if you are feeling sensations, shocks and tingles, then it is possible for those to be there.

Good luck dealing with the "shocktastic ickyness" and I hope it gets better for you:)

defective leads

by sunnyak - 2009-10-21 11:10:26

Did they check your leads. That happened to me and they realized that I still had the recalled lead.

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