Any Friends of Bill W. Here?

I have been a Friend of Bill W. for 33 years and this has helped me to always keep a positive attitude when faced with PM success. Also at other times when everything seemed to go wrong with leads failing, infections setting in and seemingly endless operations.

The Serenity Prayer and the knowledge that I can't, God can, I think I will let him saw me through the rough times.


great recovering

by countryriders2 - 2009-10-15 06:10:39

This is great. Possum Larry. I have often wondered myself if there was anybody else out there who knew Bill W. I've known of him for 13+ years. This has helped me manage my pain meds as well as accept the PM, I can't, he can, and I think I'll let him. works for me very well here. A lot of times its hard to deal with these "new" feelings, hurts, pains, exillarations, and just having this hard mass that pulls and hurts anytime I stretch wrong. So what I've been taught give it to God (if there is nothing medically wrong) works well. I personally would be a real mess without Bill W.
Thank You for being so couragous to come forward

Another Friend of Bill W.

by ted - 2009-10-15 06:10:52

Hi: I've been a friend of Bill W. for 41 years. Best thing that ever happened to me. I hope that some other members of the Pacemaker Club will come forward and we can have a meeting. I'm at (310) 271-7164 if you want to chat. Ted

Bill W.

by gsue55 - 2009-10-15 07:10:20

My Son knows Bill for about 2 2/3 yrs now. I am very thankful he knows him. Not sure what I would have done had he not known him.


Bill W.

by wenditt - 2009-10-15 08:10:44

I understand. Thanks for the information. I am happy to hear you found some peace through him and have accepted your pm. I am not there yet with my pm but hope to be one day.

Best of luck to you Possum!

Re: More Info

by Possum Larry - 2009-10-15 08:10:45


Bill W. is the co-founder of Alcoholics Anonymous

In AA I learned to live life on lifes terms and that is why I say Bill W. helped me to accept my PM.

Possum Larry

More Info

by wenditt - 2009-10-15 08:10:56

Hi there-
I am relatively new here. Who is Bill W.? What does he do? I am interested in the statement above that says Bill W. helped you accept the pm.

Tell me more....

just saying the serenity prayer makes me calm

by jessie - 2009-10-15 09:10:20

just repeating the serenity prayer makes me calm. god grant me the serenity to accept the things i cannot change, the courage to change the things i can and the wisdom to know the difference jessie

hi possum larry

by jessie - 2009-10-15 09:10:40

my hubbie is a friend of bill w and i found alanon many years ago. the program is really good for thick people. when i can't handle things i turn it over to him. he can handle it. so i don't have to worry so much. i try to live the program. admitted i was powerless over anyone else and my life had becomeunmanageable. turned my will and my cares over to the care of god as i understand him. jessie

serenity today

by countryriders2 - 2009-10-15 11:10:01

Hey Possum Larry it feels like Im in a dinasour meeting. 41 and 33 and then some. Thankyou for blowing your anonymitte. You may have created miracles here today. By knowing you all are here in the club, not only for PM, but for recovery helps me deal with life on lifes terms. AA is not just for alcoholics and not just to stop drinking or drugs, but to learn a new life. Many of us have gotten a second chance, but a PM seals the deal. Jessie keep up the good work I can't but we can.


by Possum Larry - 2009-10-15 11:10:23

Thanks to all who have shared. We have much in common be it AA, Alanon or our PM/ICD miracles.
I hope we grow in numbers and continue to be Happy, Joyous and Free. We are not a glum group.

Their is a story behind my user name
"Possun Larry." My adult son, who is 45, and I share an abundant sense of Humor sometimes offbeat.

Prior to getting my first PM in 1996 I was fitted with a Holter monitor for 24 Hours. I turned it in to the hospital on a Sunday and my wife was called by our family doctor on Monday morning saying to have me leave work immediatly and go to the hospital for an emergency PM implant and I was not to drive.

It seems that my heart had stopped beating totally 14 times in the 24 hours and each time I was 3 or 4 seconds without a Heart beat.

After the operation my son modified a Far Side cartoon and made himself a t-shirt. On the front was a cartoon showing 3 baby possums hanging from a tree branch by their tails. One of the baby possums was saying to another


I loved it!! Hence the user name Possum Larry

You know you're wired when...

Your device acts like a police scanner.

Member Quotes

One week has passed and I must admit that each day I feel a little stronger.