eptopic beats

Hi everyone, i am new here and would like to ask a question....
I have had my pacemaker for 6 years now and for the last 6 weeks have been having dizzyness, shortness of breath, chest pain and tightness and eptopic beats (at least 60 - 70 per day)
I know they are eptopic beats as i just had a ultrasound of my heart today and while having the test i had a run of them.
I cant get into my cardiologist for a couple of months so i am a little worried about them.
Has anyone had this problem before. Until now i have had no trouble with my pacemaker or eptopic beats,

Thanks any advise would help


Ectopic Beats

by Pookie - 2009-10-12 07:10:41


I was told I had Ectopic Beats too and yet they can be annoying just grin and bear it. I've had my pacer for almost 5 yrs now and this all started just over a year ago. I didn't like that answer (grin and bear it) as they became more and more frequent, so I demanded a loop recorder that I wore for an entire month. Now my EP says he can certainly see something is going on and is sending me for a few other tests before he is willing to say it is Junctional Rhythm for sure.

The best advice I can offer you is to get a 2nd opinion.

Don't ever give up hope!!!!!!!! Keep on demanding an answer.


Ectopic Beats

by ecf2xtreme - 2009-10-12 07:10:44

Hi, ectopic beats are most likely PVCs or PACs and are usually harmless (but unpleasant). However, they shouldn't cause chest pain. If you are experiencing chest pain that's a cause for concern and you should definitely get it checked out sooner than a couple of months.

Hope that helps!

Ectopic Beats

by turned on - 2010-03-26 04:03:19

Hello, I had a similer situation. My pacer was at 70 bpm and was paced 100%. While in the hospital ungoing an endoscopy I noticed my rate had dropped to 65. This should not be. In the several weeks before I was out of breath, having trouble getting around and tired more than usual. I called my cardio's office that day and was told to come in ASAP. The tech's were doing in-house checking that day. It was found my pacer went into low battery mode and although it was pacing at 65 I was not getting the surge of power needed in conjunction with the beat. My pacer would have been 8 yrs. this July.
Within the week a new pacer was inplanted with 2 leads this time. My rate is for 60 bpm. When a Medtronic pacer drops its rate, that's an automatic signal to the doctor it tripped the battery mode.
I was still protected but only for another 3 months. But, the way I was feeling I could not live like that for 3 months. They would not allow me to either.
Hope this is helpful

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