One of the lucky ones.

As I read everybody's messages, I feel so lucky. I have had my ups and downs with surgeries. I have had 21 so far. Getting my PM at the tender age of seven because they severed my internal pacemaker in my heart as they were fixing my holes. Besides the extra hardware inside of me I am one of the lucky ones. Never had any problems with any of my PM. I am on my fourth one. The last time they moved my PM from my stomach area to my shoulder. I asked them to move it. For my peace of mind when I do actually want to have kids. My original leads ares still in because they are so embeaded into my heart. I just want to put out there that not everybody has a bad experience. I want to let the new PM's to know that everything will work out at the end.


Good to know

by Hot Heart - 2009-10-25 04:10:47

Hi Beckes and welcome. It helps us all to know that there are people like you that are a massive success story. I've been pacing for 51 weeks and 2 days! lol, so still a comparative newby and even now still a little in shock. I'm much more confident now and have my first annual check tomorrow.



by Tracey_E - 2009-10-25 08:10:27

Welcome to our club and thanks for speaking up! I'm like you, I've had my ups and downs but overall feel fantastic and have had good experiences with my drs and pms over the years. Most people come here when they're looking for answers because something is wrong, so it's easy for newbies to start to think that complications are the norm, when really they're not. For every one person who comes here with complications, there are hundreds out there feeling fine and never have a reason to find a place like this.

I had two kids with my pm, no problems whatsoever. I wasn't even considered high risk by my ob.


by Beckes76 - 2010-04-03 08:04:59

If I was a newby on here and saw all the horror stories that are out there. I would be scared half to death. I am on my fourth and it is looking pretty good. Just got it checked on Thurseday and everything looks good for at least another two years or so.

You know you're wired when...

Your device acts like a police scanner.

Member Quotes

This is my second Christmas with my pacemaker and I am so happy to be with my family.