
I'm five weeks post-op and everything was going well till I noticed one area of the incision on the end wasn't quite healing. Instead of getting smaller, it was getting a little larger. Then a white loop appeared, then what looks like a knot. I called my Dr. He said that sometimes the internal stitch does not disolve completely. Has anyone else experienced this?


Me too..

by hayrm - 2009-11-12 01:11:15

Yes i had that happen but mine was blue, again my scar healed up nicely except for a bit at the end.

My son knocked my scab off which revealed a little bit of what looked like blue cotton.

I went to the nurse and she pulled it out and then all healed up well.


by aldeer - 2009-11-12 09:11:12

I had a tiny white spot that came from under the skin a tiny bit more each day. The day I was going to have it checked out, as I brushed my hand across it (not pulling it), it just came off. A little stitch that wanted out:)


by dward - 2009-11-12 11:11:04

I also had a rogue stitch that seemed to want to "surface". It too, finally went away (I don't remember how long it took, but it wasn't very long.)

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