Tired of feeling tired....

Hi Everyone,
I am new on this board so I don't know if this is the right place to post this but I am hoping someone might have some suggestions. I got my dual PM/Defib a year and a half ago and feel worse after the surgery. Prior, my ej frac was 20% but I was asymptomatic. They think it is postpartum cardiomyopathy and fortunately, I had no symptoms whatsoever. They caught the enlarged heart through an xray when I had pneumonia. I had the device implanted and felt horrible for 3 weeks...I was SO tired I could not function or take care of my kids. They finally agreed it was a timing issue and made some changes to the delays and I felt about 80% better. The problem is that I am still tired. I went from sleeping 8 hours a day and having tons of energy to sleeping almost 10 hours a day and not having a lot of energy. They have tried to tweak the timing on the device but can't find anywhere to adjust. Has anyone heard or experienced anything like this? My EF is at 59% so the device is working well but I am tired of being tired.



by Tracey_E - 2009-10-18 08:10:35

Your increase in EF is terrific! They may be looking at the great numbers because that's why they gave you the device) and not hearing you say you still don't feel good. Any time you're not feeling right, call and ask to be interrogated, don't be complacent and let it go.

Who's doing the interrogations on your device, and is it the same person who makes the decisions on settings? Sometimes it's not the same person. Can you get someone else to check it? Have you ever asked for a copy of the report to see how much you're pacing and what your settings are? Some of the guys here can help decipher it.

You also may want to see your internist for a physical. It's easy to blame everything on the heart, but something else may have changed in the last year and you need to rule out anything non-cardiac.

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Your heart’s electrical system has a manmade helper. A helper that only knows to do what it is programmed to do and will perform that function day in and day out, without fail. Now, go enjoy your new grip on life.