Adrenaline Rush? HELP?

Hi all,
My husband has had his pacer for about 5 months. He had a Maze procedure for Afib. Outside of some PVCs, he has been in perfect rhythm with his pacer working 99% of the time. He is only 43 so this was all a big struggle emotionally. Which everyone on the site helped us through! - Anyway, as of late he says he has sensations like quick adrenaline rushes... anyone have any ideas?

They did a holter monitor a couple of weeks ago and no signs of problems there. They turned up the pacemaker to be more sensitive to see if it could pick up any more activity and haven't adjusted it back to how it was. Could that be the problem? When they adjust it to be more sensitive, would he be feeling those sensations? HELP? We can't get into the doc until next week. THANKS!


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