RE: first week with PM

I have posted here before this is my first week with my PM to be exact 8 days out. I just had a strange experience. Does anyone know is it possible to have some of the same symptoms post PM as previous, near fainting, palpatations etc. could this mean that the PM needs additonal tuning and should I be worried? I thought I felt the PM kick in a few seconds durring the event and it did clear up in a few seconds.

thanks for any help.


8 days out....

by Pookie - 2009-10-31 10:10:26


When in doubt....go get yourself checked out...even if that means going to the emergency room.

It could be nothing serious or it could be that a lead is not working correctly, but you need to be checked for safety reasons and for peace of mind.

don't wait...go as soon as you can.



by Tracey_E - 2009-11-01 06:11:01

It's not normal to feel near fainting! It could be that your settings need adjusted, that's simple and fairly common, but as Pookie pointed out it could be a lead out of place. That's not common but it's definitely something that needs to be looked in to. Did the dr ask to see you next week?

re: normal

by deerehunter - 2009-11-01 10:11:32

Everything seems alright as things went well overnight no other symptoms of any kind. Although I am haveing a terrible pain day with my spine this morning. Thanks for your concern Tracey I do have a follow up scheduled with my cardoligist on Tuesday but he did say if i had any other problems to go in. I am so glad there is a site like this with careing people to help people like me make this transition and help understand what is going on. Thanks again.


by deerehunter - 2009-11-01 12:11:49

I did talk with the Dr. he said that this sounds normal however if it happens again to go steright to ER or have EMT take me there. But since my symptoms resolved so quickly that my PM may need to be re adjusted and that it could be done non surgical as well as the episode was most likley recorded by the unit. He also said it may not have been associated with my heart at all as I have not been moving hardly at all for 8 days till today. So it seemed reasonable but am not willing to wager my life on it. Thanks again Pookie

Hi everyone

by deerehunter - 2009-11-04 10:11:31

I hope everyone is doing well. I am not sure if it is phycosumatic however no that the initial surgical pain is behind me (was't much) and I am back just to my chronic back pain it seems as if I have more oxygen and don't get tired as quickly. Am hoping this will continue. Good day to all

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