re: implant pain 3 months post surgery

Hi all I had a pacemaker implanted in September and after about 6 weeks I could not even tell it was there and all was great. But in the past week or so I have been experiencing a lot of pain in my site and it radiates into my left shoulder and it seems that the pacemaker has came to the surface of my skin more than it was previous. I asked my doctor about it today and he said that sometimes they shift slightly as you get back into your normal daily life however he did not think that it had shifted and seemed right where it needed to be but if the pain continued and becomes quite bothersome that he may have to place it further in. I am not sure about that I do trust my doctor I have known him for years however I am worried that if a nerve is involved that it may cause me a lot of damage further on has anyone ever experienced this and what can be done?

Thanks, Hunter


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I have an ICD which is both a pacer/defib. I have no problems with mine and it has saved my life.