
Hello all I was wondering if anyone has experienced what I am right now. I had my Medtronic PM implanted in Sept. of 09 and all went well and it continues to function well however I am having a pin pricking sensation every so often under the skin if I move just right and the scar sight seems extra sensitive if my shirt rubs on it at times it will become irritated and itch or become inflamed I have applied lotion to the are for surgical scars with little relief. It is not a huge concern however is a little bothersome at times. I have discussed it with the Dr. and he feels that it may subside with time but that is all he gave me was the advice of giving it time well if anyone has experienced this and has advice that may have helped them cope better than I with these most bothersome issues please post. Thanks JB.


Same Issue

by TLRun - 2010-02-25 03:02:59

Hi - I have very similar issues. I had mine implanted on my left side in August, 2009. I get similiar sensations as you do. Although it doesnt really hurt it just kind of irritated at certain times like when my shirt rubs the area. Mine is more to due with my wires bulging from the skin so much. This seems to be source of most irritation as this is always rubbing the shirt. When I put on my seat belt and dont have jacket on, it really irritates. Also, when I sleep on my left side and get up, it is kind of sore, like a sore joint in the morning. It generally subsides quite quickly. I dont think I have helped your issues much but I am pretty going through the same. I just kinda deal with it now. Thanks - Tom


by Pookie - 2010-02-25 09:02:29

The word that jumped out in your posting to me was "inflamed".....I'd be asking your doctor if there is any chance if you have a slight infection under there!

Better safe than sorry.


Thank you for conferming that I am not going crazy

by deerehunter - 2010-02-25 10:02:07

Thanks for sharing your information on this itchy situation and confirming that I am not going crazy in the head. I will say that since I posted that I have been getting some relief from a cream that my friend uses for other purposes than this I am not sure if I can use brand names on here but here it goes I apologize in advance if I cross some arbitrary line I have been using Bag Balm for the past couple of days with amazing success not sure if it is the cream or psychosomatic.

Irritable scar

by ElectricFrank - 2010-02-26 01:02:00

I just discovered a source of irritation with mine. My surgery was about 6 weeks ago (where has the time gone) and hasn't been even noticeable til a few days ago. Same thing you mentioned just complains a bit from my shirt rubbing on it. This morning I took a close look and found the problem Several stitches were poking up from the incision and snagging on the shirt. I used a pair of tweezers to make short work of them and all is well again.

While it has been longer since your surgery than mine you could still have pieces of stitching sticking out.

Note to all you nurses: Don't tell me I should have called the docs office and had them do it. At nearly 80 yrs I grew up when we handled this sort of thing ourselves.



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