Dazed and confused

Hi everyone,
I just found this site and im really hopin someone can help me. I had a biventricular pacemaker/defibulator implanted on Oct 14 2009 i am 30 yrs old i have Marfans syndrome, mitro valve rugurg and just told that i have congestive heart failure This was my 3rd heart surgery in 6 months. My main concern/question is i have been havin alot of pain discomfort around the implant sit. I was told its most likely due to my very tall,thin stature and it would get better but the past two days it has got alot bigger and harder to the touch. I ice it about twice a day but its not helpin at all. I also have been feeelin much more short of breath and dizzy and i almost fainted a couple of hours ago when i got the "spins" My last blood pressure check was 78/50 and pulse of 118. Im very nervous and in alot of pain but i really dont want to go to the ER i was hopin to just try and get some rest but its sooo hard to try and relax. Has anyone ever experienced anything like this or have any suggestions. I would REALLY appreciate it



by Tracey_E - 2009-11-01 06:11:40

You need to get to the ER asap! You wrote this last night so I hope you've gotten help by now.

Call 911!

by BbqMan - 2009-11-01 12:11:01

Phillie, This is my first post on this board and I certainly do not claim any special knowledge, but I am sure that any qualified profession would tell you the same thing. CALL 911!

You need immediate ER care and have a better chance of of getting it if you come in via ambulance rather than walk-in.

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