Chat Question?

Hi All,
Happy Holidays to all i hope everyone is doin well i just had a stupid question Do u have to wait for the 2 posted times to chat or can u try anytime or do u have to use the shoutbox thing. I just ask b/c it seems everytime i go into the chat area there are people there but noone is talkin or responds when i say hi, maybe im just really borin, j/k But seriously though i was just wonderin its very possible im just computer illeterate Thanx in advance for ur input Take care everyone :)


reg. chat question

by Jules1983 - 2009-12-18 01:12:59

I found the same thing when I started here. Basically you can chat anytime you want to. When you see that people are supposedly in chat, its not necessarily true. If somebody was in chat but did not log out before closing the window, it will still show them as logged in. I generally check to see if the person that is in chat is showing as being online. Also check the time stamp to see what time they logged in at compared with when you logged in. If it is several hours and there has been no activity they are probably not there. I have never used the shoutbox. I usually just log in if I see somebody else there and if I feel like chatting and nobody else is there then I will log in and wait a half hour or so and see if anyone else joins me.

Chat doesnt work very well

by walkerd - 2009-12-18 07:12:47

you dont have to wait to chat I have found that you can talk for awhile but always locks up on me, has done it for the year I have been a member have no idea what is wrong with it, I think that is why no one is ever in there.


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