Sleepless nights

Morning all, it is 5 weeks since my duel pacemaker fitted and still not sleeping well. when i turn to my left side in bed my pacemaker moves under my arm which is a horrible feeling. is this normal ?

also i am still very sore around were my pacemaker is fitted again is this normal?

Thank you for all your support out there, it really helps.

lots of love



PM Moving?

by Carolyn65 - 2009-12-06 01:12:43

ELLIE: Before my PM/ablation on 10/2/09, I read for several months from the PM Club comments/answers. A lot of the stories horrified me for what had happened to the PM implant and the people. I read horror stories of where, some of the oddest places, the PM had "moved" to. I questioned my EP/Cardiologist and he said he made a little "pocket" just to fit the PM, then "tied?" it in so there would not be a chance of any movement.

Please comment back after you visit your Dr. and please explain how the PM can move around. To anyone who has this problem already, please comment why your PM moved and how it moved. I am sure this would help Ellie and the other readers (& me).

Ellie, I am a young 65, and just FYI: I could not sleep on my left side for about 2 weeks, then chose not to for fear of the PM doing something. Now, I sleep half the nite on my left side with no pain after the first 3 weeks.

The only way I remember I have my lil' "gadget" (I have got to find a name for my new friend), is if I "over do" myself, as in pushing, pulling, lifting way too much too often during a day. The incision area itches a little.

This to will pass. Hang in there Ellie ~ Let us hear from you on why the movement of the PM ~

Happy Holidays & a Great New 2010 ~ Carolyn G. in TEXAS WHAT ABOUT THEM HORNS WIN! !


by Ellie - 2009-12-06 02:12:03

Hi Ellie again, I forgot to say that i am 51 and yes i have named my pacemaker lucky.

Once again thank you for all your suport.


Follow up with your doctor

by aliciaseals81 - 2009-12-06 10:12:56

Do you have a follow-up appointment with your doctor scheduled? I'm also at approximately 5 weeks post-op and I just had a follow-up appointment last week; my doctor checked my incision, and made sure that the pacemaker was set appropriately.

I've never heard of them moving around like that (mine doesn't) so that would be something to ask your doctor about as well. As for soreness, I wouldn't be too alarmed. I don't know your age, but speaking from experience, I'm in my 20's and was not sore 5 weeks after surgery, however, my grandmother was implanted with her first pacemaker a year or so ago at the age of 79, and it took her much longer to recover; I'm sure that's normal, but again, it sounds like you need to follow up with your doctor anyway. Best of luck to you.

Hi Ellie!!!

by Hot Heart - 2009-12-07 06:12:34

Five weeks isnt long for your body to heal. Just think if you had a nasty bruise or cut, it would still be healing, so hang on in there, it will become less painful.

As far as the pm moving is concerned, mine does go for a little walk towards my armpit every now and then, you get used to it, as long as it doesnt go too far! lol

You will find eventually that you will get used to good sleeping positions, a lot of people say they dont sleep on their left side, but I do, all curled up in the foetal position; dont be scared, the pm is all enclosed and as long asyou dont do anything like hanging off the wardrobe or falling out of bed your wires should be fine.

It's just all a bit scarey at first.


You know you're wired when...

You play MP3 files on your pacer.

Member Quotes

To tell you the truth I never even give it a second thought. While growing up it never stopped me from doing anything and to this day my girlfriend or my kids need to remind me that I have one!