
Hello, just wondering if anyone out there is doing yoga with a PM and what the affects are, particularly with a submuscular PM.


Yoga /PM

by wenditt - 2009-11-09 09:11:16

I recently joined a gym and was told by the trainer that Yoga might not be the best thing for someone like us. Not because it would be dangerous, but because the poses require a lot of arm strength and stability. And since the PM surgery cuts into your pec muscle it might be too hard. I've only had my pm for 9 weeks so certainly too early for me. Not sure how long you've had yours.

She suggested pilates instead. Said you would get the same benefits but will less strain on that arm/shoulder.

But why don't you go and give each class a try and see what works best for you.

I'd be interested to find out how they went. Keep me posted. And good luck!


yoga & pilates

by busby - 2009-11-10 02:11:20

I can't see why you could not do yoga or pilates. I have had a PM for 6 yrs and have been doing both for years. I also do something called body balance which is a bit of a combination of the two. There are a couple of moves which require you to stretch your arms behind your back and I sort of cheat on these and no-one knows that I am doing anything different to them. If anything, I think that this type of exercise has helped my condition which is neurocardiogenic syncope. I also do full on aerobics and weights. Sometimes I think I won't let my PM prevent me from doing anything.
Good luck on your yoga.


by Tracey_E - 2009-11-10 07:11:11

As far as I know, we only have 2 or 3 members here with sub-muscular, it's pretty rare. Sub-clavicle placement will always have more restrictions on movement than a well placed sub-muscular placement. When done correctly, it's tucked between two muscles so you don't have restricted movement rather than actually in the muscle, that's sort of the point of doing it that way.

We've already discussed my sub-mammary placement at length. I've never found anything at the gym that I can't do because of the pm. I've done every class they offer and machine they have at one time or another (I bore easily, lol).

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