Lead Dislodge

I had my first visit today since having my ICD put in on Oct.30, 2009. The doctor advised me that one of the leads has dislodged and I need to go for another surgery to correct this situation. I have an appointment with my surgeon on Wed. Dec. 16, 2009 and will probably have surgery soon thereafter. Has anyone else experienced this? I have a Medtronic ICD. Good luck and Happy Holidays to all.



by ltrivone - 2009-12-14 03:12:41

thanks a lot

it happens

by Tracey_E - 2009-12-14 03:12:42

It's not common, but it's not unheard of either. They'll go in the same place and redo the lead that moved. You should bounce back faster than the first surgery.


by Pookie - 2009-12-14 06:12:11


I don't have an ICD, but I do have a pacemaker since November of 2004 and my upper lead fell not once, but twice within 4 days of the intial surgery.

Then my pacemaker decided it would like to migrate to my armpit (guess it's warmer there...lol) so that was another surgery.

You will do fine. Yes, it's another surgery but it's not more uncomfortable than the first one was, that was my experience(s).

Good luck.


Leads reversed

by FirstDuely - 2010-01-01 02:01:06

About 4 pacers ago my doctor, who had been with me since the very first, and I trusted completely, made the mistake of hooking the leads up backwards at the pacer terminals. After I was back in recovery I was checked by a tech and shortly my doctor rushed in and told me his mistake and apologized. So back in right then and snip, snip, take then driver and loosen, the switch, tighten fasteners, sew me up and back to recovery. I accepted my fate, had no ill feelings toward my doctor and still don't. He retired soon after and he later told me that he had just hung on too long and it was time. His son still works at the clinic doing the same thing.
Here's hoping all went well and your life is again returning to normal. Happy (to be alive) New Year!!!

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