liftin weights

just wonderin does anyone lift weights im 22 and want to get back into the gym


Welcome Chris from Ireland!

by GMan - 2009-11-08 09:11:28

I've never been there but Mr. Rooney-Pittsburgh Steelers Football Owner-is our Ambassador to Ireland. He lives 1/2 hour from me on the North Side of Pittsburgh near the football stadium.

I've lifted(always say trained) I've trained with weights since age 14, back in the basement alone with a AM-FM radio. I'm now 55 and 15/wks pacer. Fell good and am strong. I'm from the era of ZANE, ARNOLD, DRAPER, OLIVA, KATZ but also enjoyed seeing YATES in Pittsburgh. INCREDIBLE!!!

My training now with the Pacer is not as fierce...I used to train to failure MENTZER but don't go as far now. That's OK.

You could return. Ask the cardiologist. Start light as a beginner and work up. Let us know how you are doing. Keep us posted!!!


You know you're wired when...

You invested in the Energizer battery company.

Member Quotes

One week has passed and I must admit that each day I feel a little stronger.