
Well it has been a month since they put my pacer in. I came home with a nice bandage TAPED to my upper chest/ shoulder. The nice nurse fellow spent a good deal of time shaving my whole chest. So I didn't wonder too much about the irritation under the bandage. Figured it was the operation and the hair growing back. But when I removed the bandage I was RAW from an allergic reaction to the tape. I had a rash from my shoulder to below my pectorial. The rash has gotten less, and the raw areas have scabbed over and fell off. But my Chest still itches outrageously from time to time especially my nipples. A month into this thing I THINK I should be done itching. Anyone else out there itch after their implant?


Tegaderm Itch!

by annaelliott76 - 2009-11-28 09:11:09

I just had my PM done... allergic reaction to tegaderm they put on the inscision! Itchy blisters and raw skin. The blisters have scabbed over, but the itch continues! You're not alone. Switched to paper tape... still itched. My sister has found a fabric surgical tape that seems to itch LESS :) Staples out on Monday... then maybe I can scratch! Good Luck!


Is the nurse a barber?

by ElectricFrank - 2009-11-28 12:11:41

What did the nurse have in mind shaving your whole chest? All that is needed is to have easy access to a small area where the implant is being done. Did he think you were having bypass surgery? Maybe he just has something against bikers.



by Drin6969 - 2009-11-29 09:11:20

I also had an allergic reaction to both the tape and the antiseptic wash they used to prep the area. I had a very nice rash from the side of my neck, armpit and across my entire chest. It took well over a month to stop itching. Hang in there, it will get better!

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