Chest pain after exercise

Hi Guys,

I was at the gym on Saturday and did a bit of weightlifting and running on the treadmill. My running style was slightly off as I had a sore calf muscle and I tend to end up with my shoulders up really high and tense when I run. Then on Monday I was lifting a few boxes at work and got some pain right in the centre of my chest and around my's still a bit sore today (although I did go to the gym again last night, but just walked on the treadmill).

I'm just wondering if there is any chance that this may have something to do with my pm? I'm pretty sure it's muscular, and it doesn't hurt to take a deep breath or anything...but just wanted to check in case it's something I need to investigate further.



probably muscular

by Tracey_E - 2010-07-14 07:07:17

BUT when it doubt, get it checked out, better safe than sorry. Any dizziness or other symptoms?

Just a bit dizzy

by pmgirl - 2010-07-14 09:07:58

Thanks Tracey, I got mildly dizzy twice on Monday morning but that's been it...other than that, I feel fine.

Checkout Chest pains or Checkout Yourself

by Lars - 2010-07-24 12:07:44

Hi pmgirl ... first a bit of ' telling off ' ... if any of you experience chest pain when exercising ask yourself this ... " am I a cardiologist ? " ... if the answer is " No " then get yourself to one ... Don't go to the gym the next day wondering if the pain is going to be there again as it might be the last thing you experience ... start loving your hearts guys and gals ... give it some respect ... get it checked out ... some 50 million beats for you every year ... such loyalty and you treat it with such ... well ... neglect ... it probably was a muscle pull ...

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