Metoprolol 50mg

Hi everyone :)
Just some quick questions
what is this medicine? is or has anyone been taking this?
if you are or have what kind of side effects are you having if any
and do the side effects ever go away?
I may have to take this.... so could you post for me
Thank you once again :)


no luck here

by Tracey_E - 2010-03-15 01:03:23

It's a beta blocker which will slow down your hr and lower your bp. It also is used as a mild antidepressant sometimes but it's primarily a heart drug.

I was on 25 mg and had to switch to something else. It worked great and my heart rate felt fantastic, but I couldn't deal with the side effects. The side effects are supposed to get better after 4-6 weeks on it as you get used to it. I only made it to 5 weeks, couldn't stand it anymore and begged the dr to try something else. It made me so tired I napped at least once a day, my brain was fuzzy, I was dizzy and off balance, I was always thirsty. A disclaimer! Consider me the extreme, not the norm. Not everyone has problems like this. It's a very common beta blocker and has been around for years. If a drug has 10 side effects, I'm going to get 9 of them! I have a long list of drug allergies too, just super sensitive to everything I guess. I'm on atenolol now and doing fine with it, no noticeable side effects. It doesn't work as well as the metoprolol did, but it does ok.

Re: to Breezy

by LS - 2010-03-15 02:03:14

I take 100 mg. 2 times a day. It's to lower blood pressure. (for me) I haven't had any side effects, but have only been on it 47 days. LOL


by tnbabe59 - 2010-03-15 02:03:20

My 24 yr old daughter is in the army stationed in Germany. She started having problems with a fast heartrate. The german cardiologist put her on Metoprolol 50mg. It has worked well and she hasn't had any problems with side effects. I was on it a few years ago for my high BP with no side effects. Only reason I changed was I needed a BP med with a diuretic.


by SMITTY - 2010-03-15 02:03:38

Hi Breezy,

Tracey has told you how metoprolol works, now I'll add my criticism of this and all beta blockers.

Metoprolol is a beta blocker that is often prescribed for people with a pacemaker and having arrhythmia. Below are some of the side effects of Metoprolol. Not all people have side effects and some doctors say that if you do have side effects they may go away after a while. For me they continued to get worse until I could hardly walk.

You should get an information sheet with the medicine and you should read it carefully.

Metoprolol is in a group of drugs called beta-blockers. Beta-blockers affect the heart and circulation (blood flow through arteries and veins). Metoprolol is used to treat angina (chest pain) and hypertension (high blood pressure). It is also used to treat or prevent heart attack.

As with any medicine, side effects are possible with metoprolol (available as Lopressor® and Toprol-XL®). However, not everyone who takes the drug will experience problems. In fact, most people tolerate it well. If side effects do occur, in many cases, they are minor, meaning they require no treatment or are easily treated by you or a healthcare provider. Some side effects with metoprolol are potentially serious and should be reported immediately to your healthcare provider.

These include but are not limited to: Unexplained swelling or sudden weight gain, Chest pain, Dizziness, lightheadedness, or fainting spells, Confusion, An irregular heartbeat (arrhythmia), Hair Loss

Signs of an allergic reaction, including: Unexplained rash, hives, Itching, Unexplained swelling, Wheezing, Difficulty breathing or swallowing.


I take it dont like it

by Jim From Pa - 2010-03-15 08:03:26

I was started out on 50 mg twice a day, I could barley walk to the supper table I was so weak, they cut it down to 25 mg twice a day two years ago, i wish i did not need it but the doctor says yes, i am always short of breath and cant walk far, it seems to take the up and go out me, and have been told by my primary care dr that it is know to do that but live with it, so i do..

Metoprolol 50mg

by breezy - 2010-03-15 08:03:37

Thank you all for your helped lots to get these
opinions from all of you....:)
This is the best place ever :)


by franko1966 - 2010-03-15 08:03:44

it is a beta blocker to reduse your heart rate,just switch from atennolol to 50mg metoprolo extendrelease much better to handle no side effects was on atenolol but was out of breath,and swelling ankle,love this medication,working good so far did bring my heart rate down,on it about a month now one a day


by Jules1983 - 2010-03-15 09:03:27

Until a couple days ago I was on metorprolol. I started off taking 12.5 mg once per day back in July but quickly had to keep increasing the dose. Recently I was taking as much as 100mg per day broken up into 3 doses. I have ongoing problems with tachycardia. Before taking meds, my resting hr was about 100-120bpm and upon even minor activity could easily be 160-180. While taking the metoprolol, it effectively lowered my resting hr to 70-180 but my active hr was still 140-150 and once in a while I have tachy episodes reaching hr of up to 200bpm. I felt horrible when starting the metoprolol and every time the dose was increased. The biggest problem being exhaustion. I would go to work, nap on my lunch break, finish work, nap, wake up and eat a late dinner and then go back to work. This would last for 2-3 weeks and then it got gradually better. I also found I had an extremely dry mouth. Not really thirsty but just a very uncomfortable feeling in my mouth. the metoprolol also lowered my bp quite a lot and since I already have borderline low bp, I actually had to take another medication to increase my bp. I have recently switched to nadolol.Seems to be working a little too well atleast with the resting and active hr, I am actually bradycardic now.

my two cents

by sam78 - 2010-03-15 10:03:45

Hi Breezy. So obviously you have already gotten the "what is it" questions answered. I have been on it 5 years now. I have been on both the regular and the extended release. I have been on a dose from 12.5 mg up to 100 mg which is where I am now. I can tell you that for me this drug has been a saint in helping my fast heart rates. It has definitely been a drug that has also been a severe pain in my arse. It did take me a good 2 months to get used to the drug as it caused a lot of fatigue, but my body did finally get use to it. I know that some people this drug severely fatigues them (to the point of making them not function), however I also know people that have had no problem what so ever with it. This is not a drug you should stop rapidly, you must wean off of it. I have found that the extended release works much better in not causing sudden drops in my blood pressure and a more even control of my heart rate. I currently take 50 mg of the extended release twice a day purely for heart rate control. I also use the regular/quick acting form to take right before I exercise which allows me to work out more. I would like to give you one piece of advice.. take it or leave it. I know that you have anxiety as an issue.. I would encourage you, now that you have everyones opinion, to try this medication (if you do) with an open mind. Everyone is different, and you wont know how it is going to work for you until you try it. But I think that if you go into with expectations that it is a bad drug or is going to cause A or B then you will be expecting it and sometimes Mind over Matter gets in the way. Again, my opinion.. take it or leave it. Let us know how it goes hun.


by breezy - 2010-03-16 02:03:37

Thank you sam78 and everyone else for your postings I really really appreciate them all
flamingo - I had a good long talk with my Dr about this
medicine..and I don't question him about it...he is a good Dr and very very helpful to me and listens to everything I say....
I just wanted to get input from others on here about the
med and their track record with it. Thanks again for your
response though.....
I will be starting this medicine and will let you know how it goes for me...


by - 2010-03-19 11:03:35

Hey .. I take this too
I take 150 mg at bedtime.
Side effects that everybody listed, Oh there's plenty of them with everydrug on the market.
Personally, it makes me sleepy and tired.
Which I am sure is because my heartrate runs the average of 55-65 bpm. and the slows down the entire body and everything. Therefor, reducing how hard the heart has to work to pump the blood.
Which is suppose to make my heart last longer, since its diseased. (I have HOCM hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy)

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