when can we lift our left arm over our head

just wondering is this just till we heal completely or we will never be able to put our arrm over our head???????


Six Weeks

by ecf2xtreme - 2009-12-04 08:12:14

Hi Patsy,
It is just until the leads are anchored into the heart wall, most doctors say six weeks. That first overhead stretch feels REALLY good!

6 weeks......usually

by Angelie - 2009-12-04 09:12:26

Ask your doctor. He'll be able to explain all of your restrictions while you're healing. After you're healed from the initial implant, you should be able to do most anything.

Happy Healing,

Rules are Rules ~

by Carolyn65 - 2009-12-04 11:12:34

Being my first PM & scared to death, I went by the Dr./nurses "rules" to the "T". Mine said no lifting over 15 lbs, nor raising my left arm (PM side) above my heart level for 8 weeks.

After 4 weeks, I would find myself doing "no-no's" just because I felt better and would forget. Most of my "doings"/daily routine are so automatic like picking up a flower pot without re: to weight, pushing furniture into place, lifting the edges of my mattress to change sheets/make bed, putting arm overhead to wash hair, etc. Some days I would find my incision for the PM to be "pulling", itching, stinging.

On about the 6th week, I really over did things around Thanksgiving, with cooking, lifting Mr. Tom the Turkey and the large ham. Those next 2 -3 days let me know I had not stayed with my 8 week routine. The same symptoms would appear, even a lil' worse.

This too shall pass in time ~ have patience.
Carolyn G. in TEXAS ( :

Heres one for the funnies

by ronbar323 - 2009-12-05 12:12:45

I was told 6 weeks and as a reminder for me to adhere to that I think I will keep wearing the sling they gave me. Just had my implant on Tuesday and the pressure dressing came off in the middle of the night. The call button had dropped off the bed and I had no way of calling the nurse, disconnected leads on my monitor, and yelled to no avail. They redid the pressure dressing the next morning and I was about to die from that. The nurse that redid it taped me like a mummy and then the doctor wanted the nurse to look at it again. So off came the dressings again. Felt as though I was being skinned alive. Then taped up again. Pressure again OUCH!!!!. When I started taking the tape off after 24 hours I worked it a little at a time it wasnt toooo bad. My skin felt as though the nerves were on top of it.
Yesterday felt weak and dizzy and was wondering when the swelling was going to go down and more importantly when I would get this wonderful feeling everybody talks about.
Well, today is the day, I feel great and the swelling is down and I am getting my energy back.
Not complaining about the way I was treated just w2ant eveybody to be advised to hang on to your call button for dear LIFE.
Now that I feel better I am laughing about the whole ordeal and have the utmost in respect for the staff who took care of me

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