chinese food -msg

this may sound really stupid but i had chinese food on sat night an right after i had a bad panic attack does anyone think the msg trigger something off .or am i out of my mine . or should i just relize that panic attack come along with the program lol



by Pookie - 2010-02-03 09:02:44

I know that MSG can cause headaches, but I've never heard of it causing a panic attack, but anything is possible. Perhaps it made your heart beat faster, then that triggered your panic attack??? Just a guess.



by Tracey_E - 2010-02-03 11:02:41

MSG can cause all sorts of bad reactions! Check the menu, some oriental restaurants will put on there that they are msg-free. Also the high sodium in chinese isn't good for us, though that's unrelated to panic attacks.

Have at it, WB

by lenora - 2010-02-04 02:02:47

In the words of a very wise and well-respected PM club member: "Lighten up."

Maybe it was the fortune cookie

by ted - 2010-02-04 03:02:58

One of the characteristics of the Internet, is that if we ask a question, we might get some real knowledgeable answers from people who know what they are talking or we could get some worthless or even misleading responses from people who know nothing but run a Google search and try to sound smart. My question to you is : Was there something in the fortune cookie that might have upset you?


by ted - 2010-02-04 05:02:10

Relax.. I wasn't even thinking about you when I posted my reply to Patsy. What I was trying to convey was that I don't believe that there is anyone here in this group that even has a clue as to the cause of panic attacks. As in any group, there is a lot of misleading and confusing junk posted here and if I am considered to be "negative" by pointing out that some folks don't know what they are talking about, well, so be it. We have a few real experts on pacemakers and heart issues and I respect and learn from those members. Sometimes it is just better to remain silent than confuse someone who is already confused.

Probably was the cookie

by lenora - 2010-02-04 05:02:27

But I think the best thing to come of the above post Ted is that now at last we know the cause of "attention deficit vaginal spotting" and "rectal bleeding shuddering mouth lesions" both medical mysteries until quite recently. And if you have internal and external hemorrhoids WITH slurred speech, well, no more Chinese for you buddy!

Thanks WonderBoy

by mhil - 2010-02-04 05:02:55

That was thoughtful of you to post the symptoms that might be created from the use of aspertame and/or MSG.
We all know that stuff is not good for us, but it is good to get a reminder once in a while.

relax everyone

by patsy - 2010-02-04 06:02:02

thanks to everyone who responded but i dont want anyone getting heated over the question life is to short i appriciate everyone input it just so happen i went into a panic attack right after i was done eating an no i did not have a cookie nor did i read the fortune inside but before i had my pacemaker i would always get dizzy after i ate it all the time so i do believe now some of the facts that were posted. i dont think i will be getting anymore msg in my chinese food any more .thanks an live life to the fulless Patsy

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