Just ordered Med ID bracelet...

Thought I would share. I found this website with Med ID jewlery that isn't ugly and the prices are reasonable. I found a very nice bracelet that would go with work or casual clothes.



No Prob

by annaelliott76 - 2009-12-27 01:12:45

Glad you found one you like! I figured I'd better get one just in case.

In the past year, I've learned that ER doctors are clueless. I have SSS w/brady-tachy. When I went for my pre-op blood work, I went brady quickly and was in the 40s. They called a code team in the hospial... "All first responders to pre-op" LOL. Suddenly there was 20 people standing in the room. Luckily, I was conscious and could talk them through this. No one knew what SSS was or what to do. I kept telling them it would tach in a minute then stablize. They wall watched vitals completely freaked only to see I was 100% correct. By the time they got my cardiologist on the phone I was signing paper work and ready to leave.

God forbid something happen where I can't talk them through it :) I figure they will know what a PM does and can at least Google SSS if they need to or get someone on the phone who knows!

Thanks for the tip

by DC Pacer - 2009-12-27 12:12:52

I just ordered one myself (with my wife's help). Have put off doing it long enough - thanks annaelliot!

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