dislodge and eroded through skin

I was recently scheduled by my employer to lift in excess of 100 lbs repeatedly over a 4 day period. My pacer/defib dislodged and broke throught the skin pocket on the 4th day of this. My implant was 2 years ago and have had no comlications up to this point. My employer gave me a reasonable accomodation of restriction to 25 lbs lifting.I also requested prior to being scheduled to exceed the accomodation
that my employer not schedule me to do this in regards to mu disability. This request was denied.
I am searching for anything similar or related to my work related injury. My employer has denied my workers compensation claim and I am in serious financial dismay.


workmans comp

by Tracey_E - 2009-12-01 09:12:04

It's not up to the employer what is covered, it's up to their insurance company. When you saw the dr, did you make it clear the problem happened on the job? If yes, they'll file with workers comp. Workplaces are required to display a poster than has contact information for what to do if you are injured on the job, what your rights are. Find the poster and call the number (sorry, I'm blanking on the name of the agency)

Employer sounds like a jerk

by mike thurston - 2009-12-01 09:12:10

Since you stated that you requested that you not be required to lift heavy weights repeatedly prior to being ordered to do so and was denied that request I would see what a Lawyer has to say about that.
WTF order you to do something that is obviously risky for you and then deny you workers comp. Someone needs a dose of compassion and a lesson in common sense.

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