New to this...

After having a "benign arrythmia" all my life, I suddenly became quite ill a couple of weeks ago. First my heart rate became very irregular. After wearing an event monitor for a few days my cardiologist told me I would need a pacemaker, and after more diagnostic tests had it scheduled. Then my heart rate started steadily dropping, so the procedure was moved up. On Friday, Dec. 4th, I went in with a heart rate of 37, woke up with a heart rate of 70! That part feels so much better, but I have to admit I am surprised at how sore and painful my shoulder/chest area is! I had planned to go back to work tomorrow, but now I'm unsure. Will it get better soon?



by mikesmom93 - 2009-12-06 05:12:23

I've had my ICD almost three weeks.

Got mine on a Tuesday, went home from hospital Wednesday, getting bored by Thursday, and went back to work on Friday.

Lucky for me, I work at a desk, so not a whole lot of moving around. The area was sore, but less and less every day, and by the end of the first week it was pretty much gone. Now at almost week three, I pretty much forget it is even there 90% of the time.

Did your doctor give you any guidelines on when to return to work? If you're unsure I would ask.


Still very sore after four days

by BCase - 2009-12-06 06:12:53

Hi LW. I also just got a PM installed and I am still very sore after four days. I feel best when lying flat on my back in bed. If I stand, walk and move around a lot, my shoulder and collarbone start to ache. The more I read here on this site the more confident I've become that this bad feeling will all go away soon. I certainly hope so!

You know you're wired when...

You have a dymo-powered bike.

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Pacemakers are very reliable devices.