to young

i feel better after looking at all the other comments i'm only 22 and still getting used to the fact i need this PM.i lead a very active life and i am trying to remain positive..



by Tracey_E - 2009-12-06 10:12:18

If you need it, you're not too young. You're younger, but by far not the youngest around here. We have teens here who got them when they were as young as a day old. I am 43 now and have had a pm since 1993, and still stand out at my doc's office because I'm his youngest pm. Maybe one day I won't be the baby. *eye roll*

There's no reason to think you won't continue to lead an active life. I'm considerably more active since I've been paced, I have a lot more energy and stamina than i did with out the pm.

Hang in there

by aliciaseals81 - 2009-12-06 10:12:26

I know how you feel... I was 11 when I got my first pacemaker. I'm now 28 and on my fourth! I was walking back to the cath lab for my most recent surgery a little over a month ago, and one of the surgeons (not my own) looked at me and said, "I hope you're visiting someone here -- you're way too young for this." I said, "Nope, having my 4th pacemaker implanted." So to even get surprised reactions from doctors makes me realize how rare it really is. It's one thing to get a reaction from family and friends, but from actual people in the medical field... yeah, that was different. Best of luck to you as you get used to your pacemaker. I don't know your underlying condition, but mine actually enables to be as active as I am, therefore, I'm glad I have it!


by jessnicole - 2009-12-06 10:12:42

I am also 22 and had to get my pacemaker at 20 years old! It was such a stressfull experience, lots of complications AND THE MEDICAL BILLS! Not a good way to finish college.

I still never felt the "lightswitch come on", I'm still pretty low energy, but I guess it's safer to have a regular beat without slow rhythm and long pauses.

Its really not an intrusion in my life, i just worry about the leads getting damaged and the cost and risks involved with future surgeries.

a young oldie!!

by Hot Heart - 2009-12-07 05:12:49

Awwwwwww hunni we all think we're too young! lol. I was absolutely mortified at 55, but if we need one it's for the best; you go and enjoy your life in the knowledge that your heart is being looked after by a little guardian angel in your chest.

HH x

Ohhh a little message to jessnicole above, is your rate response on or off? Ididn't feel too energetic until I got mine switched on, ask your techi to try it on if its off.

Good luck


Too young.

by seeker581 - 2009-12-07 09:12:44

I received my icd when I was 56.I had never had any real health issues until that time.Of the three others in my family I was the only one who had never really spent any real time in the hospital.These experiences can only make you stronger.Never be afraid too ask for help.Take care

same here

by kelsieb - 2009-12-15 10:12:00

i am 16 and got mine last year (age 15) i left wayyyy to young. but this gives you an interesting story to tell the rest of your life. and its better to find whats wrong with you now then later when its to late. it was very hard for me to remain positive about getting a pacemaker. it took a while but i finally came to the conclusion that this is something i have to live with weather i like it or not so might as well try to enjoy it. i can now crack jokes about it and things like that. its also a good convoersation starter. :) hope this helps. goodlcuk to you and i hope you are able to think positively soon!

not too young

by dwelch - 2010-01-21 04:01:51

I got my first one at 19, I am on the tail end of number three. Was in for a pacer check yesterday and mentioned yesterday that at 19 I was always the youngest in the office but that is probably not the case. She said I am still on the young side for pacers. I only found pacemakerclub last night, it is comforting to see that I am not that unusual with starting at 19 and having had more than one. Someone around here has 8 that I saw and like him I look forward to many more. I was reading up on my condition CCAVB or CAVB depending on the paper you read, complete congenital heart block. SO much has happened in that area alone since I was born and even since my first pacer. The papers I was reading kept talking about detecting it in the womb, odds on survival of course, but it seemed like they really are starting these kids off really really young, toddlers. One article commented on a problem with the leads compared to the size of the child. I wonder what happens as you grow does the lead pull tight, do you have to get them replaced? That growth spurt that boys get as a teen. Perhaps that is why they waited on mine from pre-teen when they noticed something to 19 when the doc said you are getting one like it or not.

Really, you are not alone, certainly not in this forum. The good thing is that you have the internet and groups like this, I have basically been on my own with my pacers for 20 years until last night when i went looking hoping for a site like this. Now I wish I had looked for or started a site like this 10 years ago.

You know you're wired when...

Your license plate reads “Pacer4Life”.

Member Quotes

I'm 43 and have had my pacemaker four weeks today. I'm looking forward to living another 50 years and this marvelous device inside me will help me do that.