
I'm 27 years old and found out Friday that have a pacemaker put in April 1st. While I know it will help me it's very scary! It started when my heart would start racing and I would get very dizzy. I have to grab onto things when the dizziness starts. I used to pass out a lot. My cardiologist found that my hemoglobin was down to 5.1 and I received 3 blood transfusions. I am on almost 15 pills a day to regulate low heart beat and low blood pressure. They have run a tilt table test, holter monitor, and 30 day heart monitor test on me. My cardiologist says that my natural pacemaker just doesn't work correctly, and in order to have children and live a normal life I have to have this done. I'm really scared! My doctor told me that they can place it so it doesn't leave a huge scar since I am younger. Can anyone tell me what the recovery is like? Will it really make everything so much better?



by dw5281 - 2010-02-01 05:02:01

Ooo HH i'm in the uk - cold Manchester!


dont worry

by Hot Heart - 2010-02-01 05:02:17

hi there, ive had my pm16 months now, moisturised my scare daily cant even see it now, shame really it was my party piece showing everyone! kik

You will soooooooooooo much better when youve had it done, ive been into the city today, walked from one side to the other ultra quick, thought to myself when i was there, omg there is noooooooooo way i could have done this 2 years ago.

Are you in UK, where you having your op?



by dw5281 - 2010-02-01 05:02:49

I had mine put in the week after i turned 27! it has made a HUGE difference to my life - on feb 13th I will have been without a black out for 2years - the longest period ever! I passed out & got dizzy A LOT - the doc's found that my heart liked to stop beating hence the pacemaker! My scar is about 2 1/2 inches long but its now practically the same colour as my skin so its actually quite nice in a weird way!

I had 1 day from being told i needed one to having one so i didnt really have the time to be scared (which i'm glad about!) the op was actually pretty ok - however bad you think its going to be its no where near as bad. i was sedated so i slept through a lot of it! I remember hearing the surgeon talking about scar tissue from my loop recorded & being woken up every 15mins or something by the nurse - very annoying! I wasnt in any pain at all - the onle odd bit was when he was doing the stitches inside. Not painful but just odd haha!

I'm a PE teacher so I had a bit longer off work than I think others might have - 6 weeks. Because i'm active all the time they had to make sure that I was ok. Your doc will tell you how long. Recovery was fine bit uncomfortable for a week or so for me - weird not lifting your arm above your head for a few weeks but thats it! If youre an active person your doc will tell you what you can & cant do. Honestly, i havent stopped doing anything that I was doing before at all which is probably a bit naughty but you will know your limitations - listen to the docs though!

If you have any q's just message me. Seriously don't worry so much - I am a complete wimp & I was fine haha!

Hope this helps


Pacemakers are so in right now!

by JustinD - 2010-02-01 06:02:13

Hey swatford,
Im 25 and got my first pm when I was 16. I was borderline hyperactive before I got it and am still going like the energizer bunny!
Recovery is a snap and (for me) the worst part of the whole thing is being in a hospital for a few days (I'd much rather do it via a home kit ;-)
Hot Heart is right, your pm will be a show piece at all functions from now on, and I've found that it's the best conversation starter since "hey, did you see American Idol last night? Crazy Right!?"
Bottom line about scaring, wear it proud and be thankfull that you don't live in 1958 when they where the size of a friggin hocky puck. It'll be ok.

Best best of wishes to you, and just know that there are so many other pm people on this site that you can ask anything and get answers.
-Justin D


by Tracey_E - 2010-02-01 06:02:18

I was 27 when I got my first pm also. I'm 43 now and got my 4th one last week. (no, that's not normal, one of my leads went bad and killed a battery quickly) I live a full, active life. I had two kids after I got the pm, there's no way my body could have handled a pregnancy without it.

A pacemaker cant' do anything about your hemoglobin levels or blood pressure but it should stop the dizziness and dips in heart rate.

It's great that your dr is thinking about how it will look. Many do not. Mine is buried behind the breast. It not only looks great (main scar is under my bra) but it feels great also, it never gets in my way.

Recovery varies from person to person. Most feel sore for a few days but pretty good by a week. Most are fully back to normal (or better!) by 6 or 8 weeks. I had mine replaced- new battery and a new lead to replace the broken one- last Monday, was discharged on Tuesday. I took pain meds to sleep Tues night, a bit of Tylenol the first day or two. I haven't take anything since last Thurs and I went back to work today. I'm a little tired and a bit sore and I need to take it easy on the new lead for a few weeks, but I'm feeling my old self.

Know that you are not alone! There are a lot of us here in all stages- some your age who just got them, some your age who got them as babies, some who got them at your age like me. If you have any questions or just want to chat, please don't be shy. I promise it's not as scary as it sounds and there is a light at the end of the tunnel!

Here's another positive!!!

by FirstDuely - 2010-02-01 06:02:55

You might not have to take all those pills....I'd like to stop taking my blood pressure pills altogether.
The surgery goes very smoothly and you will be taken care of as if you are the only person in the hospital. They are all wonderful people and they don't want you to suffer so relax, be calm, sing to yourself if needed, talk to the people around you, ask questions about what they will be doing and they will try to make you feel better about the whole thing.
I had my first pacer when I was 36 and I am close to 60. My first pacer went in and the lights went on in the room!! I could not believe how quickly this came on either.
Your life will improve and you will be able to start that family. My son is 25 and a working engineer and my daughter will soon be 24 and a working journalist doing something called "social media" something-or-other. I got my pace implanted on a Monday and convinced them I wanted out to be at my daughter's birth by Friday (C -section planning works!). I got to cut her umbilical cord so I gave her an "innie" bellybutton!! Hey, we grab onto anything no matter how minor when we can be brought back from the edge as I call it.
I know you will get through this just like we all have and we all expect some sort of happy report after you get back home.....did I mention? Getting home. The best moment in your life and you will understand this when it happens.
Good luck, God bless you, and do relax. Maybe take a nap. I do every time now. Maybe ask for a magazine to read while in there. Of course, your hands will be held down under the blankets so maybe you can find a really good-looking nurse to read it to you? ;) Just a thought.
Notice: A report post-op is mandatory around here!!!


by dw5281 - 2010-02-03 04:02:57

nope - the completely wonderful Manchester Royal Infirmary!

thanks everyone!

by swatford - 2010-02-07 11:02:35

Thanks everyone for making me feel a lot better about the situation. I'm glad that you all have told me what you all have went through and what to expect! It makes me feel sooo much better! :) of course I will give an update once my surgery is complete. I can't wait to feel "normal" or as close as I'll be to it. My heart has been racing quite a few times this week, and all day today. I'm going to call my cardiologist tomorrow first thing. I need the pacemaker for my heart rate dropping but my heart also races (115-140 earlier) sometimes. Has anyone else experienced anything like this?

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I am just thankful that I am alive and that even though I have this pacemaker it is not the end of the world.