Irregular beat, 2 weeks post implant

33 yr old and getting back into the swing of things after pacer implant on 8/14/08. Last night, I walked slowly (3 mph) on the treadmill. The first mile was a breeze, the 2nd mile was riddled with PAC's or PVC's or something. It was hard to count it was so irregular. It felt like pauses, but my doc says that's impossible with the pacer. All I know is that it was uncomfortable. Some of the skipped beats were pelting me extremely hard, but I walked through them. I just really don't know what to do exactly. Also, sleeping is getting a little bit better since I'm now starting to sleep in other positions besides just on my back......FINALLY. But, I wonder if I should be sleeping on my tummy. I'm normally a tummy sleeper, but am also concerned about doing something wrong. Just wondering what y'all think?


Only 2 weeks?

by joy1 - 2008-08-29 01:08:01

Throwing PVCs is normal and your doctor is not going to get all excited about them though YOU wish he would because they are extremely scary for us. PVCs are not missed beats but extra ones. It is very possible that your heart is still irritated from having been invaded and having wires poked into it. Think of how your finger feels when you poke it with a needle.

Talk to you doctor about about what your feeling. But be kind to yourself! It may not seems like it but you have just exposed your body to an invasive procedure and like a dust mote causes your body to sneeze to get rid of it, so your body would really like to get rid of what has been put into it.

Be patient, It sounds like your really doing well but be kind to yourself. Keep letting us know how you progress or whatever other concerns you have and feel the need to talk about!.


2 weeks is nothing

by ccmoore - 2008-08-29 01:08:52

I too thought that I felt good at 2 weeks, but at 6 weeks I felt great and at 3 months I feel super.

It isn't perfect and I am not back to where I was but it is better.

Can't comment of irregular heart beat, but if this site tells us anything, keep asking questions, be a pain in the ass and learn all you can. No one is giving lessons on what these devices can or will do. Everyone is a little different.

If your Dr is anything like mine, the # of patients he see the more $$ he makes and taking time to explain things is cutting into $$.... that reminds me, need to look for another Dr.

Later, Charlie

Your doing great

by Yorker - 2008-08-29 05:08:25

for being 2 weeks post-op - the hardest thing to learn is just how much patience you have to have with yourself right now - just remember, things will get even better.

I had a bout with PAC's a couple of months ago, and they do feel like "skipped" beats, if you feel your pulse you'd swear that is what happened. And both PVC's and PAC's are things that will happen, as put so well in the previous comments.

When you get your PM interogated next, ask if they can tell you how many of each it has recorded, so you can get an idea if thats what it was, and ask if anything shows up in the event recorder as well. (I know mine does record them and from what I understand most do) Information can go a long way toward easing your mind, so never stop asking until you get the info you need.


Sounds Just Like Me . . .

by sonkitty - 2008-08-29 10:08:01

. . . I too had my pacemaker implanted on 8/14/08 and I too am starting to sleep on my side now and not just on my back - phew! I feel the 'skipped beats', pvcs or whatever you call them still. No rhyme or reason when they happen, they just do. And yes, it always scares me 'cause it seems to catch you off guard. One additional problem I had it I actually feel a click sometimes when I have that feeling. Doctor said it is when the pacemaker is kicking in - due to me only having one lead and not two. Still . . . it is just all weird getting used to this. Thank God it seems like every day I feel better in one way or another. Hang in there - sounds like you are coming along at the same speed as me.

Your PM will supress beats

by heckboy - 2008-08-30 10:08:01

If there is an upper limit set on your PM, it will surpress beats to keep you from going over your upper limit and that feel like a skipped beat. Before I had my upper limit turned off and went my my natural pacing, it would happen to me all the time during my warmup run at the gym.


by heckboy - 2008-08-30 10:08:08

Sorry for the typos...I forgot to proof before sending.


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