Taking Atenolol (beta-blocker)

My Cardo dr wants me to take Atenolol (a beta-blocker) because I have had some spikes in my heart rate during the last 6 months. Is anyone taking this med and what are the pros & cons to it.





by Hot Heart - 2010-08-01 08:08:21

hi tom, my mum was on it for years and years and had no ill effects whatsoever. She lived to a good age and died from something totally unrelated to her heart.


It was a bad Beta Blocker For Me!

by JEM - 2010-08-01 09:08:10

I took it for 18 months per my Cardio Dr. Did not prevent my A-fib from re-occuring over 10 times in 18 months.

When I went into A-fib it took my blood pressure down so low that I passed out numerous times and got very sick and was unable to function while in A-fib.

I was switched to sotalol and still had some A-fibs, but not as severe and my BP stayed up where I did not pass out anymore thank god!

May work for you, did not for me, watch the low BP if you go into A-fib.

Good Luck malltura Myrtle Beach, SC

Additional comments

by JEM - 2010-08-01 09:08:55

What ever drug they put you on it seems that the spikes or A-fib will eventually return again regardless. I have had 15 AF episodes in the past 3 years with some self reverting and others cardio converted. JEM


by cbuys - 2010-08-01 10:08:32

I tried Atenolol for two weeks because of inappropriate sinus tachycardia. It really didn’t lower my heart rate, only my blood pressure, which became too low. Additionally, Atenolol made me extremely tired; my cardiologist has since switched me to Bisoprolol which works much better for me.
Different meds work differently for different people, everyone is unique. Try it out, and if you are unhappy with the results contact your doc and try something new. Good Luck!



by tomh140 - 2010-08-02 01:08:33

Thanks to everyone for the comments. They are very helpful


Spikes in HR

by ElectricFrank - 2010-08-02 02:08:37

Are you sure the "spikes" in HR weren't due to some activity you were engaged in. During the first year of my pacer they found that I had experienced episodes of VTach where my HR went up into the 140's. Fortunately, I had kept a log of the times I hiked around out in the desert and they corresponded. If I hadn't checked it out I would have been put on a med with side effects that would have messed up my active life.


Didn't Help Me

by J.B. - 2010-08-02 12:08:14

As you can see it works for some and for some it makes things worse. The opnly way you will ever know if will help myuo is give it a try.

Gave me the worst fatigue I ever had after taking it for about weeks. Took me longer that to get over the fatigue after I stopped it.


by cjoyce - 2010-08-03 06:08:08

I ve been on atenolol since1996. it helped my blood pressure alot. Had a pacemaker put in three weeks ago due to slow heart beat. I was told it could have been cause by years of atenolol. Im still on it, and my blood pressure is the best its ever been. hope this helps

Re Atenolol

by tara777 - 2010-08-05 01:08:03

So glad to see this post regarding Atenolol. My cardiologist just switched me from Metoprolol to Atenolol two days ago. I was diagnosed with HCM last year and reluctantly had an ICD put in. I recently tapered off on the Metoprolol on my own (because I didn't like how it made me feel and was in denial about actually needing meds for my HCM) and then I had an episode and went into V-fib and could have easily died. My ICD shocked me back into rhythm and most likely saved my life.

So I am dutifully following the program as directed now (!) but I am curious about what Nvphone refers to as 'natural things'...? If there is anyway around this beta- blockers-for-the-rest-of-my-life business, I'd love to hear about it (I'm 42).



by Skyking - 2010-08-08 06:08:14

I took it for 10 years after my first stent. BRUSH YOUR TEETH ALOT !

Seems atenolol will turn off the mouth salivary glands and you dont have the usual saliva wash over your teeth (bottom) and clear away food particles on the lower jaw teeth gum line..... thats what my dentist told me anyway when he fixed numerous gum line cavities for me

good luck

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