Information Needed

I am trying to get some information on Cervical Vertigo. If anyone knows a good website that I can look at, the information would be very appreciated.

Since I do have fibromyalgia, my physicians are tyring to figure out the cause of my lightheadiness/dizziness which they think is coming from my neck stiffness and pain. Both internist and cardio specialist are almost certain it is not pacemaker related.

Hope everyone is having a good weekend. For those who are Jewish, have a Happy Passover.

Thanks, Marcia


How about a Fibromyalgia forum?

by heartu - 2010-03-28 04:03:35

Hi Marcia,

I sure hope the doctors figure out what is going on. In the meantime, are you on any fibromyalgia forums? I was just thinking that perhaps someone on those forums may have Cervical Vertigo and lead you in the right direction for info.

Please let us know how everything turns out for you. I am keeping my fingers crossed for you!

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