Pacemaker Site

Is it possible for the area where the pacemaker is to feel like it is larger than it was a month ago. Surgery was on 2/4/10 and this past week I feel as though the pacemaker seems larger. I have appointment on 5/19 for my three month checkup and will definitely ask the surgeon, but was just curious. I am thinking that possibly scar tissue is forming around the pacemaker itself making it feel larger. I have no swelling on outside.

Thanks for any info on this subject. Hope everyone is doing okay.



pacemaker site

by LindaScarberry - 2010-05-03 02:05:05

your swelling above and around the site is probably going down and therefore it appears that your PM is popping up. It isn't; everything else is just going down!
Good luck!

Pacemaker pocket swelling

by musser75 - 2010-05-03 03:05:12

I would like to ask if You have any pain around Your pacemaker pocket? Is there any discoloration ( like reddish swelling)? And dou have have fever?
If you do not have any of the above mentioned symptoms of findings, just calm down. There is no problem. Indeed, if You have any of these, than consult your doctor immidiately.
musser75, MD, cardiologist


by Tracey_E - 2010-05-03 10:05:20

Well, titanium doesn't grow (how cool if it did! We could all pawn our used ones and earn the $$$ for the replacement, LOL), and scar tissue shouldn't be that thick. Is it sore at all?

Are you doing more, maybe building up muscle again and it just makes it feel different, which you might perceive as out of proportion? I dunno. When in doubt, ask to be seen. Better to go for nothing than miss something.

Thanks TraceyE

by MAXI1439 - 2010-05-03 11:05:09

It is sore and I still have issues with nerve damage. I also have trouble deciding if the soreness if from site or from my fibro which causes all kinds of pain, soreness, muscle tightness, and so on. My internist had looked at it last week and said it is nothing to worry about until my appointment on 5/19. I can't get in to see the doc until then because the group only comes up to my hospital once a week to see patients. I really don't want to see anyone but the one who put in the pacemaker. I am thinking that maybe I think it feels larger just because I can actually feel it more now than a few weeks ago. Maybe the swelling around it from after surgery made it seem smaller, lol

The actually pain and soreness is not anything that can't be controlled with my daily dose of advil and pain meds if needed. Not anything that will stop me from getting up and going out to do what I need to do .

Thanks again for getting back to me.

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