just wondering

Hello: I was just wondering if anyone here has ever had a compliciation where your leads were hooked up backwards


Just once

by FirstDuely - 2010-01-20 01:01:28

Dr was using a new wrench and got the leads hooked up backwards. Came into the recovery room and apologized for the fact that he had to get me back into surgery. Got it hooked up correctly and back to recovery again. A bit of an annoyance but he was the best surgeon around, just made a mistake that day. He had been with me from the start but decided it was finally time to retire. It is tough trying to find a doctor who does great work.....the next doctor couldn't get two leads implanted so just did one which was NOT what I needed so I had to go to a specialist at St. Joseph's in Burbank within 7 months. That was a tricky lead removal and install in the opposite side that took 6.5 hours. Without this doctor's expertise I wouldn't be sitting here today.....
I hope your doctors will reverse the leads. Just open, disconnect leads from pacer and switch and tighten, then sew back up. Sounds simple but it isn't fun.

Makes your heart run backwards

by ElectricFrank - 2010-01-20 02:01:56


Seriously, what the heck were they doing in the first place. With my replacement the Medtronics rep downloaded my program into the new pacer and verified it was operating correctly while it was still laying on my chest. They have to have a programmer in the O.R. and this is standard procedure and specified in the Implant Manual.


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