Chocolate Ice Cream...

I love this board! I learn so much here. Last week I was a little down (probably fault of PM), Had been good all week and exercised everyday, and ate right and now it was the weekend and I was all alone cause Hubby had to work :(. I got my Chocolate Ice Cream, covered it with m&m's and a rerun of Law and Order and a blanket and sacked out on the couch. I thought the "heart" feelings, which I still have trouble identifying, were my guilt for eating the chocolate Ice Cream and m&m's and not exercising. NOW, thanks to this board, I know.. it is Just the Caffine and the Ice Cream. I didn't count my HR during this time, but I knew it was going pretty fast.
Just wanted to thank everyone on the board again. You never know when your questions and/or answers will "turn on the light bulb" for some of us who try to spend a lot of time ignoring our little PMs.

Have a Happy Tax Day?!?! :)


One Chocolate Friend to Another

by MAXI1439 - 2010-04-15 03:04:16

I also love chocolate. I tried to introduce it into my day in small amounts as long as I stay away from caffeinated soda and coffee. But of course, we are all human, and the last few days the chocolate and pepsi took over. So like you I am paying for it with feeling my heart and also a double whammy, my hiatius hernia is "REAL MAD". So looks like the mourning wil start all over again. At least we do know what the problem is and can take care of it by ourselves.

So now we have to find something besides chocolate and caffeine to become addicted to, any suggestions, lol

Not giving up chocolate!

by heartu - 2010-04-15 07:04:26

I have my 2 squares of 85% dark chocolate everyday after lunch...That's my only vice...


by ChicagoKim - 2010-04-15 07:04:44

mmm..... chocolate ice cream covered with M&Ms... a blanket and a great show. You are my kind of girl. Want to be my friend?? :)

I had mentioned that a big bowl of mint chocolate ice cream does me in, especially if I have been eating pretty well before that. Well, I don't think it's just the sugar for me. I think it's a combination of all the sugar, fat, etc., that culminates in palpitations and increased HR for me. Just having something sugary, like some Skittles or something, doesn't have quite the same effect. So I really think for me that it's such a heavy dose of fat, sugar, etc., when my body isn't all that used to it. If I'm having a string of days where I'm eating crappy, somehow it stops affecting me quite as much. Kinda weird.


by LS - 2010-04-15 10:04:06

Glad you figured out what it was.................sorry the culprit is chocolate though!! LOL
I miss chocolate.
I'm still in mourning over it. LOL


by Gellia2 - 2010-04-15 12:04:04

I miss my chocolate fix, too! I'm a true chocoholic,.. until I found that not only does it raise my heart rate, thereby using my battery more, but it raises my systolic blood pressure, too!

Well, I'll I can say is RATFARTS!

I'm in mourning, too! LOLOL


Even frank can get mad

by ElectricFrank - 2010-04-16 02:04:33

Attacking my chocolate ice cream and coffee. Those are fighting words. G(:


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