
Hi everyone,
First off, I'm not going to be able to type for much longer between the pain medication and the Tylenol for the fever I'm feeling very sleepy, but I did want to thank everyone for their amazing support. My G.P came to see me this morning and basically told me that if I ever do this again she won't be so nice. I'm feeling OK. I had some swelling and distention in my abdomen last night which caused some pain and nausea, but it's a little better today after taking some of the fluid out. They don't know why it happened. I also had a PICC line put in today so it's nice to have the ability to move my arms again. It is in my arm, but it isn't limiting me. They haven't said anything about moving me to another hospital or even out of the ICU, but the doctor who cme to see me today said that I shouldn't expect anything. Eventhough I feel OK and I think things have stabilized they still have some major concerns and the kidney specialist wants to keep an eye on me in case I need another dialysis and the infectious disease person is trying to figure everything out. They say that moving me to another hospital is still an option, but they want me more stable before they move me because they would hate for something to happen in the ambulance. I may feel OK, but my vitals are still unstable. I'm dependant on a BP medication and on lasix and antibiotics and they added an antiarrhythmic this morning. So I wait and sleep. Can't do much else and to be honest with you, I don't feel well enough to do anything else. I'm watching the snow fall out the window. the blessing to being in this hospital is that they do actually have windows patients can look out of in the ICU. This is not all that common in every hospital so I'm taking advantage of it (especially at night when I'm not sleeping). They just redid this ICU at this hospital so that patients have windows ( and bigger and more private rooms). My nurse from my first few days is back tonight and I'm looking forward to seeing him.



by dottodot - 2010-02-22 07:02:36

Many of us have been thinking of you and hope that things get better soon. It's always hard being sick but hopefully you'll be back at it soon.

You know you're wired when...

You make store alarms beep.

Member Quotes

I've seen many posts about people being concerned about exercise after having a device so thought I would let you know that yesterday I raced my first marathon since having my pacemaker fitted in fall 2004.