Getting better

Hi everyone,
It is so nice to finally be able to write this. I'm finally getting better. My white cell count is fluctuating a lot, but they have me on antibiotics and my leg is healing very nicely. It has been a week since my graft surgery and the leg looks great. I got a chance to see it this morning when they changed the bandage and it looks almost normal. I start physio on Monday. I'm off the morphine which feels really good. I haven't had any fevers in a few days.

I did want to tell all of you that I don't recommend ignoring symptoms, look what it did to me. I do not recommend the hospital for almost 3 months. It's hard to believe that i have been here this long. I have no memories of the first few weeks. It's nice to finally see the end of the road, but i know that I can have setbacks still.

I do want to thank everyone who has maintained contact with me both personally and on this website. Please pray for Paulb. He is going through a really rough time.

I also want to tell you that although I sound really good and physically I'm doing better, emotionally this has been a rollercoaster and I don't like rollercoasters so you can only imagine what i have been like. I finally had a really good cry this afternoon in front of my entire family (extended and immediate). I have to thank my parents so much for everything. they know just what to do when I get like that and my Mom's back rubs just do it for me. i also have to thank my siblings for all of their support. They really have been amazing.

Again, thank you to all of you and it's nice to finally be able to say that I'm on the road to recovery!



by dottodot - 2010-04-03 08:04:50

I'm glad you're on the road. We all have thought about you. As you well know now the emotional stuff may pop up from time to time but there are many people in this group who are there to support you. Keep us posted. Dorothy

Good News

by Wannabe - 2010-04-03 10:04:24

Delighted to hear you sounding much happier and more positive, Taryn. You seem to've turned a corner at last. We continue to think of you and send heaps of good wishes. All love, Sheila xxx


by LS - 2010-04-03 10:04:40

So happy you're on the road to recovery!!
You're very lucky to have such a supportive family also.
Cry when you need to. Vent here also.
Wishing you brighter days ahead.

So good to see you back!!

by painthorse - 2010-04-04 01:04:43

What great news that you are on the "best" road! Don't take any more detours!!!



by Pookie - 2010-04-04 10:04:57

So glad to hear that you're recovering...finally.

haven't been in touch lately as I'm recovering from my throat surgery and of course (my normal luck) I had a complication, but today I think I finally took a turn for the better!

always thinking of you. :)

and please say hello to bram for me.


Great To Hear From You ~ ~

by Carolyn65 - 2010-04-05 02:04:02

We have not forgotten you, but was so glad to hear you sound like you are doing so much better. I know your long recovery in the hospital has not been fun, but soon, you should be back in your surroundings.

We continue to pray and think of you and bram. Take care of you both and keep us posted with great news.

Bear Hugs,
Carolyn G. in TEXAS ( :


by nat36 - 2010-04-06 03:04:50

So happy that you are doing so much better! We are all thinking of you and sending our best thoughts for you!!

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I just had this miracle implanted two weeks ago and I’m feeling better.