New Problem

Hi Everyone,
So much for getting out of the ICU this weekend nevermind this week. I have just been told this morning that I have 3 new blood clots. One in my abdomen, one in my leg and one in my arm. They are using medications for now and watching me very closely obviously. They are trying to avoid doing any invasive procedures. I'm ready to go home! I have had enough of ICU and all the issues I have been going through. I feel like I'm missing life even with everyone coming everyday and I am on the phone all the time with outside life, but it's hard and I'm getting very annoyed.
Any suggestions to coping with this? Humor and TV worked for a while, but after this morning, I'm just so down and upset.



by tsimbrow - 2010-11-09 08:11:19

Hi Jo,
I have the same, I have my boyfriend bringing me food and stuff to read and all sorts of stuff to keep my mind occupied. He also went out a week ago and bought me a new iTouch and put all my favourite TV shows on it and it's great, but there is only so much I can do without going cfrazy. Thanks for all the kind words and reminding me that this is better than my funeral and I am loved and supported and it's all good, but it has been months here not days or weeks. It's kinda getting old.


by JoFosqk226 - 2010-11-09 08:11:29

I'm so sorry! I went crazy after being in the hospital for weeks, I can't imagine months, especially with hospital food every day. You are definitely a stronger person that I am, I hope you pride yourself on your strength. If your boredom over takes you and you feel like messaging back and forth, I would be happy to be a pen-pal of sorts! Have a good night, keep thinking positive!


by JoFosqk226 - 2010-11-09 08:11:32

I'm so sorry to hear this!! That sounds horrible, and it is no surprise that being stuck in the hospital is enough to drive anyone crazy, especially just waiting and wondering. I know that is it hard to be an optimist at times like this. Just remember that if you weren't in the hospital being taken care of, all of the people coming to see you might be going to your funeral instead of just the hospital. That sounds so grim to say, and hope seems to diminish when you are just waiting and getting more bad news every day. Think of all of the things in life that make you happy, family, friends, inside jokes and favorite foods, all of the things you will be able to do once your stay there is finished. When I was in the hospital I had my fiance bring me books about things that I found interesting. Travel brochures, medical things, magazines, etc. and it made my stay a little more tolerable. I hope you have a quick recovery and that things start looking up. You are in my prayers, take care and keep posting!!



by Pookie - 2010-11-09 08:11:34

I'm so sorry to hear you're back in the hospital. We had lost touch and I had thought you were on the road to recovery!!!!!!

You're one tough patient.

I'll always remember you (and please say hello to Bram) and I'm sending you all the best wishes I can gather.

Huge hugs,


by tsimbrow - 2010-11-09 10:11:35

Thanks to everyone, Jo, it is making me crazy being here. I feel like somedays I'm OK and other days I could go crazy. If that happens I'll be sure to write, thanks for the offer.
Pookie, I was on the road to recovery and then it all fell apart. Off to take in more visitors before bedtime. One of the advantages of ICU here is that I can have visitors later since they have virtually no limits on visiting hours since most people here are sicker than me and have visitors in and out throught the night. I do have a limit though for me. I don't like to accept visitors past 10 unless it is my parents

Hi Taryn

by Heidiglassmeyer - 2010-11-10 01:11:57

I read your previous post and now this one! As Jo said, you are a very strong person! I would have been in the "nut house" after a few weeks. I am truly sorry to hear about the blood clots. Sounds like you are having a run of things. They say things happen in three's so hopefully that is your last. I will keep you in my thoughts and wish you a fast recovery so you can bust out of there and heal at home.

Take care,

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