Post Op Anxiety

Hi All,
I am 1 week post op today. I got my PM for SSS that came on suddenly and I was symptomatic and within 5 or 6 days of diagnosis I was in for my PM. I am 41 and kind of freaking out! I feel better heart wise except for some irregular beats when I start moving around a lot but I think they could be brought on by anxiety! I was a pretty anxious person before this but now I am taking xanax once or twice a day to help calm down. Every twinge or anything I feel I am constantly checking my pulse to make sure pacer is working! (it is of course) I am going to go back to work tomorrow for just half day and hopefully I will feel better because I will have some distractions other then sitting at home. I ws just wondering if I am the only one who is so freaked out about all of this? Happy to have it but still soaking it all in.



by Pookie - 2010-02-02 04:02:04

Hi Cathy

Anxiety is very very very common with pacemaker and defib patients. You are not alone.

Anxiety can be awful. Sorry, not can be, but rather it is awful. I went thru it for the first 2 yrs, panic attacks and all.

I too was on Ativan (Xanax in the States) and got hooked on be careful. Just a heads up.

Most people on this site have had some degree of anxiety after their implants and I'm sure you will get a slew of responses and support.

Also keep in mind that when you have your moments of anxiety that your heart rate will usually go up. That is normal.

If you want a lot of information on what we've all gone thru with anxiety, there is a SEARCH up in the upper right hand corner of this will find tons of posts very similar to yours....just type in "anxiety".

Wishing you the best.



by cfritza - 2010-02-02 05:02:22

Hi Cathy,

I am sure your not the only one who's kind of as you say "freaked out" about the pacemaker. I had a dfiicult time especially the first month anytime my heart seemed like it was doing something weird there would go my hand up to my carotid to check my pulse! I womder just how many of us have done that manuever.

I am 3months post op. and it does get better with time. Going back to work helped me. It keeps you busy and not thinking about you heart so much. I was a little nervous at first wondering if something would go wrong at work but then realized since I work at a hosptial what better place to be! Time heals :-) Best wishes Carol


by cathtx - 2010-02-02 05:02:53

Thank you both! Funny thing is I work in a hospital too and that is how I got diagnosed so quickly! I guess it just takes some getting used to...It has only been 1 week as my husband keeps reminding me!

Get mine tomorrow

by paulb - 2010-02-02 09:02:26

I am glad to hear so many positive responses. I get my PM tomorrow. Surgery is at 11am and I have to be there at 9am. I am really nervous as it is my first surgery.


by wenditt - 2010-02-02 09:02:40

You aren't alone. So many people here get anxiety related issues after the pacemaker. Completely normal. It's a life changing event and that can rattle some people. Me included. As I've said in other posts I think I might hold the record for panic attacks post surgery!

My best recommendation is to try to talk to someone...a therapist. They can help you put the situation into a better perspective. That's something the Xanax can't do. The Xanax will help you relax but it can't communicate!

I've been doing both for a few weeks and I am learning what would trigger the panic and I am finding ways to move on. It's a beautiful metamorphisis actually! I was a walking train wreck a few months ago...and now I am sooooo much more myself.

Give it a try. Look for someone who can help with post traumatic stress and panic/anxiety.

Best of luck!


by Pookie - 2010-02-03 10:02:19

Just reminds me of what one of my therapists said to me once: every time you have a panic attack thinking you are doing to die ~ you don't, right? I said Yes, I'm still here :)

He asked me how many panic attacks I thought I had during the past 5 yrs. My answer was: probably hundreds.

His response: And you were 100% wrong 100% of the time.

It was a cold response, but it sure woke me up and got me to thinking of how much time I wasted allowing these attacks to take over my life for so long.

Then I asked and searched for all the help I could get on panic and stress attacks and have learned what to do when I can feel them creeping up, which they still do.

And in answer to another post...I had to many times when we were newbies of how some of us would automatically take our hand up to our carotid artery to take our pulse when we felt a strange beat...that was SO me. I did it about 20 to 50 times per day....even in public!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Not to make light of anyone's situation, but with time, we all look back and sometimes find or see what we did and we can actually laugh...which is a good thing these days....laughing!!!!!!!!!!!!!

To all the newbies out there: be patient, be keen, ask lots of questions, and if you need it.

Hope. Believe. Be Strong.


Anxiety & Pulse checks

by cathtx - 2010-02-03 11:02:28

Thanks Pookie! You made me laugh about checking the what would I do if it wasn't there??? I really appreciate all the support and help from this site. I had a doozy of a panic attack last night for no apparant reason. I just sat and listened to a stress reducing CD for about 20 minutes and it helped so much. You are right, I have had many panic attacks over the years and I have lived through every one of them! I have an appt with my GP tomorrow for a check up...scheduled before PM incident and I am going to ask for a referral to a therapist. Thank you again!


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At age 20, I will be getting a pacemaker in few weeks along with an SA node ablation. This opportunity may change a five year prognosis into a normal life span! I look forward to being a little old lady with a wicked cane!