
I am so frustrated!!! I'm scheduled to have surgery next week. Part of the procedure requires use of material that interferes with my PM so we've been dealing with what to do. I have a VERY bad history with the cardiology dept at this hospital, but there's no other doctor within my network or 200 miles that does this surgery (it's on my hip) so I'm stuck. I talked with Medtronic, the mfr of my PM and they're able to to provide a rep to be present during the surgery in case anything goes wrong. This sounds perfect to me, but the anesthesiologist and surgeon only want to work with the cardiology dept at this hospital. What do I do???? How do I talk sense into these people? Is there something I'm missing, another option?
Background on my issue with the cardiology dept: When I was first showing symptoms of my heart condition, they completely blew me off. They told me to drink more water and eventually would not allow me to make appointments. To this day, they will not update my records to reflect not only heart condition but also that I have a pacemaker. I've submitted a letter from my cardiologist (from Mayo) but they say since it was not diagnosed at this clinic, there's nothing they can do. This is as of yesterday!
So, for my surgery, I am willing to have a Medtronic rep present but the anesthesiologist and surgeon want the clinic cardiology team. I am willing to concede to this ONLY in the case of an emergency: life or death. What do you all think??



by Pookie - 2010-07-28 11:07:30

I'm so sorry to hear about your dilemma.

I can't offer you any advice as I live in Canada and our system is totally different than yours.

However, keep checking back to this post as I am sure you will receive several responses from people who live in the United States.

It baffles me why your clinic won't accept the Mayo Clinic's diagnosis. That just blows me away.

One would think the patient's best interests and wishes would be taken into consideration AND why not have ALL parties involved in your case present during your surgery or at least go over it together as a team.

There's nothing worse than feeling frustrated as you feel so powerless.

However, don't give up hope just yet. I'm sure some of our members might have the answer or will be able to point you in the right direction.

Take care,


by keveri - 2010-07-29 01:07:23

i would rather have a EP cardiologist in attendance. the EP MD can do changes within your heart using a computer if has to.
you may then have this doctor and the PM rep/company converse prior to your surgery. do you think metronic will be a free service? i kinda doubt it.
the hospital is taking on a responsibility and it is medically necessary that you have all the experts available.
foolish of the hospital to go alone on this one esp with your history.
get all your ducks in a row. call your cardiologist and ask if they have EP MD as part of their team or on staff at the hospital. call the insurance and ask them what are your options. remember they will try to get the least expensive way out so be prepared to ask for what you need.the best would have theour cardiologist call for you.
i would think the hospital should get all their ducks in a row too. they could be setting themselves up for a suite.
don't be afraid to be aggressive in a professional manner. you need to go into surgery with a calm spirit. good luck. jan

Medtronic IS free

by Tracie H - 2010-07-29 07:07:34

Thanks, never thought of an EP. I'll check into that. But, yes, Medtronic is free. I called them and specifically asked, "No one pays for your services? Doctor? Me? Insurance? Hopsital? No charge whatsoever to anyone?" The answers were all, "No." Seems to be a service you get with a Medtronic PM.
Pookie, thanks for the encouragement!


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