Emotional/Physical Rollercoaster

Hi all. I am on such a rollercoaster of emotion and physical well being. Yesterday I made a comment on the Shoutbox. I was feeling good yesterday emotionally and physically and today I feel depressed and in pain and lousy. I checked my pulse so everything must be working ok. I was planning on taking my first car drive today, but it's snowing again and I'm not going to venture out. I look in the mirror and see an old lady even though I'm only 49. I can't believe how much this is kicking my butt. I just want the spring in my step back. Some times I wonder if I'm ever going to feel well again. Thanks for listening. I know there are people on here that are much worse off than me. I just need to hear something positive. Is it possible to live with a pm and not have any further complications?


ups and downs

by Tracey_E - 2010-03-03 01:03:25

It's all perfectly normal!!!! I think you're doing great. Give yourself a few minutes to sulk, get it out of your system just like you did by posting here, then take something if you're hurting more than usual today, indulge in a nap if you're tired. Can you get out and take a little walk in the snow? Or can someone drive you to the mall or something, just to get out of the house and have a change of scenery? This will pass and life will get back to normal. {{{hugs}}}

Hang in There

by heartu - 2010-03-03 01:03:49

I got my PM last Wednesday, 2/24 and I know how you feel. I just want to wake up from a bad dream. I never felt bad before all this started, just a few episodes before I ended up in th ER.

I do thank God for my second chance because if I had ignored all my symptoms I may not br here today. Believe me, I know it was not my time.

My mantra has been, everyday just a little better. Same one after I had my c-section almost 16 years ago. Somehow this does not seem as bad as that.

Another thing I have done is to start a journal to record random things throughout the day, like what is good, what is bad. Just getting those feelings out makes a big difference.

DanaT if there is anything I could do to help send me a message. I'm there for you.

I needed that

by DanaT - 2010-03-03 02:03:32

Thanks, I needed that. I knew I could count on you all to lift me up again. {{{hugs}}} back.

I needed that

by DanaT - 2010-03-03 02:03:32

Thanks, I needed that. I knew I could count on you all to lift me up again. {{{hugs}}} back.

It Gets Better

by Bionic Man - 2010-03-03 04:03:12

I never thought having a PM would be such a battle. I thought I'd have the surgery and be back to normal in no time. Boy, was I wrong but it does get better. Some people seem to bounce back right away. Unfortunately I wasn't one of them. Although I do feel great now.
Hang in there and you will feel better just don't give up the fight.

Thankful for my pm

by JessiWay - 2010-03-03 04:03:24

My situation is a little different, as I was miserable before the pm and it has given me life back. I am in a lot of pain, still. I am feeling weird things I didn't notice before, I am still tachycardic and I get dizzy, which is frustrating (who doesn't want fixed 100%) ...but mostly I am alive! I am able to maintain my body temperature, I am able to carry on a conversation, I can once again remember 3 items in the store, and i am not freaked out all the time that I might just drop all my heartbeats (which is illogical, but was a huge concern prior to the pm)
I understand the ups & downs, I have days where I wake up feeling like life is perfect & I am right where I should be...when I am so thankful I feel like I could blow. Then there are days like today where I feel uggy (not sure if its a real word) and not so optimistic. Days where I have to make a conscious decision to be cheerful. We all get it! Give it time & keep your chin up. Remember that there will be more good days than bad at some point!

New PM

by bijou - 2010-03-03 07:03:14

I also have a recent PM as of 2/19/10. I'm feeling great with no pain or discomfort at this time. I was wondering
do you actually feel the PM when it kcicks in. I feel a
flutter a couple times a day especially when walking on the treadmill? How long does it take for the stitches
to heal?


yep.. it will be ok

by kayakgirl - 2010-03-03 09:03:40

Had my pacemaker for a year and a half.Started to get some pains today but that is probably because last night exhausted leaving work i hit a concrete wall when trying to exit.. Hey it's just a car.. Take a deep breath .. I happen to be enjoying the airport thing.. When I fly it is either the how hard can I pat you down woman or the lets worry about privacy and let me tell you a zillion time which side of my hand I will use.. Yes having this pacemaker opens up a whole new world of amazing events.. You'll be fine and this is just the best group..



by qwerty - 2010-03-03 11:03:25

OMG... You just got your PM! You have had yours less time than I have had mine! GIVE IT SOME TIME!! Your shout out yesterday was an inspiration to all of us. Let it be an inspiration to YOU too.
Everyone has ups and downs and if YOU are old I am ancient! But you are NOT old. You are a wonderful and beautiful lady!
Today my mother in law is 97. So... by those standards, we are just Young Chicks!
Hang in there. When I woke up at 3am this morning and could not go back to sleep, I layed there listening to the sounds of the night. I did NOT hear my heart! Before PM, it would feel like it was beating out of my chest. The funny thing, I didn't even know how bad it was! Now... I am 5 weeks Post PM and everyday I feel better!
Hang in there. It really does get better.
Sunshine and 63 on Sunday in Arkansas and TN !!
Spring........ Warmth... Sunshine and smiles... all for you... and me

Have a great day.

Hang In There ~ ~

by Carolyn65 - 2010-03-03 11:03:48

DanaT: Your "shoutbox" message yesterday was great. I was glad to read it. Each PM member has different emotions, feelings and other well being challenges. I think the weather has a lot to do with us. This is my personal opinion. I know a lot of people who had rather have the winter months, than the Texas Sun.

I don't know about where you live, but I think all of us who live in the USA just need some warm, beautiful, Spring days to make most of us feel better. The wet, cold, land mark snow fall, and otherwise, just flat really cold/slushy, blah days and the day after day of looking out/opening the door and facing the same wintery conditions for months has made a lot of us feel depressed, worthless, tired and all our other emotions. I know I feel exhausted without having my sunshine. Texas has not had a winter like in a "hunderd" years.

A good week of beautiful, nice, warm weather and to be able to soak up that vitamin D from the sun would make me feel like a "butterfly" with all its pretty colors and its merriment of flying in the warm sun. Being able to shed the layers of heavy clothing/scarves, etc. would be a blessing. This would help a lot of people with their emotional health. Then we would feel better physically.

Oops, "idle, chit-chat" ~ GRATITIUDES: Thankful to be alive on this good ol' Earth. I bought garden "stuff" yesterday (top soil, new tools, seeds, etc.).

Take Care, Carolyn G. in TEXAS

Emotional/physical roller coaster

by LS - 2010-03-05 01:03:31

Hi Dana. I'm not sure how long ago your PM was "installed?"
I'm about 6 weeks & am feeling better every day. I was (am) always saying, "I want my old life back." Well, I've come to the realization it's never going to be as it was, but with this second lease on life so to speak it's entirely up to me to make it the best it can be.
On the days I feel great I pack as much into those days. On the days I'm not 100%, I do the best I can. Who could ask for more?
I'm looking forward to the time change & the days being light longer. I am noticing the birds returning & are singing in the AM.
Focus on what we have & not the have nots. There are tiny blessings all around us. We just need to look. :)


by ted - 2010-03-05 12:03:06

Life following implantation of a pacemaker is still like a rollercoaster. Except that now we are riding in the car instead of lying across the tracks.

You know you're wired when...

Your electric tooth brush interferes with your device.

Member Quotes

So, my advice is to go about your daily routine and forget that you have a pacemaker implanted in your body.