surgery post-poned

The hematologist took a bunch of blood and tomorrow i have to get spleen pancreas and liver checked through some radioactive test. He gave me some type steroids and supplement type stuff for Mal nutrition in order to help boost platelets. I go Friday back to the hospital to review all tests and have another blood test and if platelets still down I'll have to get blood transfusion in order to do my PM surgery.


Oh Paul........

by Pookie - 2010-02-03 08:02:29

I'm so so sorry this is happening to you.

But look at it as a "positive" least they found this stuff before you went into surgery. You need to be as healthy and strong as you can be before surgery.

This spleen, pancrease and liver it called a HIDA Scan...if so, I had it done a few months ago. All it is is one IV in your hand and you lay down for about 45 minutes while this machine takes pictures...I actually napped thru it. I was having my gall bladder checked out at the time.

Steroids...make sure you take them with food as they can be hard on your guts.

At least you go back on Friday. Here in Canada it would be a much longer wait than that!!!!!!!!

I have a feeling that you are being taken well care of.

Keep your chin up.



by AndiC - 2010-02-03 08:02:36

So sorry! I am glad that they are not doing the surgery if other issues could cause trouble. You need to be as healthy as possible! I pray that it all gets worked out quickly and that your blood results will turn out good!


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