Low blood platelets

I was wondering if anyone else has had problems with low blood platelets? Could this be caused from lack of proper blood flow through out my body? Once I get my pacemaker I was wondering if that will help my body produce them better. They couldn't do my surgery yesterday because my platelet count was too low. The hematologist gave me prednizon- dont know how to spell it lol but has any one else taken this steroid? I was also wondering what a typical base-line for the pacemaker could be. For example do they typically set it at 60bps or 70? Thanks...paul



by Tracey_E - 2010-02-04 07:02:16

I don't think blood flow has anything to do with platelet production but I'm not positive. My guess would be it's related to the inability to eat more than your heart.

60 is a typical lower limit, but it can vary anywhere from 50 to 80. They may try one, see how you feel, then evaluate if it needs to go up or down. There is no one number that works for everyone.

Low platelet count

by ted - 2010-02-04 07:02:38

Check out the possibility of Thrombocytopenia. Prednisone is what they have used for years. A friend of mine had to have his spleen removed to alleviate the condition. Good luck. (remember that any opinion or advice over the Internet should never substitute for a competent doctor)


by paulb - 2010-02-04 08:02:53

My surgery is set for Wednesday at 1pm and I have to be there at 11am. I am going to the Hematologist tomorrow and he is going to go over my spleen/liver tests and blood tests. They took like 6-8 tubes of blood yesterday and he said he was going to check for everything. Hopefully my low platelet count is from my malnourishment. You said that prednisone helps your immune system. Does this mean it could increase my white blood count? They are really low too.


by tsimbrow - 2010-02-04 08:02:55

Low platelet counts has nothing to do with blood flow. It has to do with blood production. Thrombocytopenia is definately a possibility, but you need to have this followed by your doctor or hematologist once you get the surgery over with. I have occassional low platelet counts, but I'm also anemic which is basically production of blood cells. I hope the transfusion will help. It should, but you should keep an eye on it. they should also do a hematocrit count and hemoglobin count because most of the time anemia is associated with platelet counts. speaking professionally as a nurse.
As prednisone goes, it is one of the safer drugs and most commonly used drugs on the market to help with this problem. It is essentially a steriod that is supposed to jump start production and boost your immune system. Try not to worry too much about this. It is more common than you would think and it is easily treatable once they figure out what is causing it. It may also be a one time fluke thing and with a transfusion they may fix it and you may never know why it happened.
Your pacemaker is not going to help with your blood counts. It will help your heart. When have they rescheduled your pacemaker surgery?
Just as a note about prednisone, it can have side effects like causing a "moonface' and giving you more of an appetite which can cause you to gain some weight. I managed to avoid that by drinking lots and watching what i ate to make sure it was healthy. Please try not to worry about this too much. I know it can be scary, but you should talk to your doctor more about this and ask if they are going to do further tests to try to figure out why this happened. i know they did scans on your spleen did that show anything?


by tsimbrow - 2010-02-04 10:02:00

It could increase your white blood cell count, but it could also lower it. I would suggest talking to the hematologist again about why you are on it and what to expect and ask him about the white blood cell count and if prednisone will help. I think the transfusion will really help and I've had lots of those and they are pretty easy. When are you supposed to have the transfusion? Try eating more red meat and more food in general, but try to stay healthy! Good luck Paul. Let me know what happens with the hematologist tomorrow. Some questions you should ask him are:
1) Why is my white cell count so low and what can be done about that?
2) Does the Prednisone help the white cell count come back up?
3) What did the sacns and test results show?
4) When is my transfusion?
5) What can I do to help my platelet count and my white cell count?
6) What are some of the things I should be aware of while on Prednisone and how long am I going to be on it and why?
Malnourishment doesn't help your blood counts. Why are you not eating? What is going on with that? I wish you luck and would like to keep in touch with you so you are welcome to send me a personal message if you wish and I can give you my personal email so that we can stay in touch. By the way, where do you live?
In general, a blood transfusion generally helps with all of your blood celll counts, but you need to know why the numbers are off. If it is because of malnourishment you need to eat more and if you can't try protein drinks or things like Ensure.
All the questions you have asked are all questions you should be asking the doctor. If you want you could print off the messages we have had and the questions I said you should ask and take them with you tomorrow.
Good luck again.


by ted - 2010-02-05 03:02:21

Blood transfusions are not handed out like candy and are reserved for active bleeding or severe thrombocytopenia because continued transfusions lose their effectiveness. Drugs like aspirin and NSAID's need to be avoided because they help impair platelet function.. I went through this with a family member forty years ago.

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