No sleep

Here at hospital, and cant sleep for anything. In a lot of pAin and perks not working. I am however keeping positive. The nurses are really nice. I hope im not getting sick iv been coughing a lot and it hurts my chest where i got my PM.



by dottodot - 2010-02-11 03:02:00

Hope that everything is going ok as you've already been through a lot. If you're having a lot of pain let the nurses know. There's so much that happens even if you're prepared. Also with your blook issue there can be a lot more bruising (probably the weight for a while) and that can cause pain. Good luck and keep us posted.


by paulb - 2010-02-11 07:02:42

They gave me percacet.....i dnt knw how its spelled but ill ask them about dilaudid. I never heard of it. Is it a pain killer ?


by wenditt - 2010-02-11 08:02:41

I tried percaset (can't spell it either) when I had my wisdom teeth taken out. Yes it's a pain killer, but all it did was make me throw up. Tell them the percs aren't effective. Maybe they can give you something else...with a sleep aid.

Can't hurt to ask. Love that you are so positive! You are doing great!

Get Well Soon, Paul

by Wannabe - 2010-02-11 09:02:14

It's my firm belief, Paul, that hospitals are not designed for people to get well! They mend people, but then to recover they must go home to their own beds and some peace and quiet and decent grub! Hang in there. So sorry to hear you've this discomfort and I hope they'll find a painkiller to help you through it all. Thinking of you. All love, Sheila


by AndiC - 2010-02-11 10:02:38

I didnt sleep at the hospital either. Hopefully your own bed will help!

I had my surgery Monday, and they put a 5lb, square block of sand on my left side....needless to say, I cried! They had planned on keeping it on for 4 hours, but called the Dr and switched it to a 3 lb bag of ice which hurt, but I could handle! Bring your ice pack does help!

You sound like a real trooper!!! Your doing awesome!!

I'm still praying for you and each of us a speedy, painless recovery! :)

Missing Word

by Bill-2 - 2010-02-11 11:02:01

That last line should have read - No I'm NOT saying any of you are hop heads, just commenting on the way your conversation sounds.


by Bill-2 - 2010-02-11 11:02:54

It is spelled percocet. It is a combination of Oxycodone and Acetaminophen and is additive. It also sounds like we have a group of hop heads discussing their latest thrill fix. No I'm saying any of you are hop heads, just commenting on the way your conversation sounds.


by cfritza - 2010-02-11 12:02:43

Yes unfortunately it is difficult to get good sleep at the hospital r/t the noise the pain your in and all the interruptions by the staff.. It is nice to have someone take care of you by bringing your meals, pain meds etc If your not getting sleep and you pain is not controlled it's very difficult to heal, so dont hesitate to let the nurse know how your feeling cuz she can help facilitate in getting you what you need and dont worry about getting addictted cuz in the short time you will need it it should not cause a problem. Here's to getting some pain relief. sleep and quick recovery!! Carol

How to become a real Zombie

by ted - 2010-02-12 05:02:27

Just take some of the ridiculous "advise" that some people post here such as to ask for dilaudid or other types of dope and you could become a Zombie also. It is irresponbible to tell people to ask for dope when you don't have a clue as to that person's medical condition or whether a drug could stop their breathing, or whether that person is an addict, etc

Hey now

by lenora - 2010-02-12 07:02:09

He's absolutely right however. DILAUDID for post pacer pain??? Percocet's one thing, dilaudid's quite another. Get addicted to that and you'll be out on the street next week looking for some more of it.


by lenora - 2010-02-12 07:02:27

Paul, you said you can't sleep. Ask your nurse for something to help you rest at bedtime. Either your cardiologist or your hematologist could order something.

Cabbage Patch might be right

by ted - 2010-02-12 09:02:33

Cabbage: You might be right. Maybe it is ok to tell naive unsuspecting frightened and sometimes highly neurotic pacemaker recipients that they should ask for heroin, cocaine, methamphetamine, etc if they worried about not getting their beauty sleep. No one has ever died from lack of sleep, but dope.users die all day long,


by ted - 2010-02-14 07:02:21

I may know more about drugs than you think. It really doesn't matter whether a dangerous drug is prescribed by a doctor or not. Anyone can find a friendly doctor to prescribe dope. Look at Michael Jackson, Anna Nicole Smith, Marilyn Monroe. So, just take a Valium and chill out.

oh for god's sake ted

by jessie - 2010-02-15 07:02:41

who kicked you out of the sandbox yesterday morning???it is all about being able to play nice could make a friend....lenora is right about the dilaudid altho it is never been ordered for me and i am 68. percocet???one summer waiting for hip replacement and i did not get addicted...also once for dental pain...they are all dangerous if taken with other cns depressants...but if taken properly it should not be a have a nice day ted...jessie

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“Batteries not included” takes on a new meaning.

Member Quotes

I am just thankful that I am alive and that even though I have this pacemaker it is not the end of the world.