Hey I am partially back. Sorry about the misspelled nonsensicle posting I did earlier. I hope this one is a lot better. I am alive and things are going much better today. I am still having problems with blood level. Back on the lovenox shots and warfarin. Not much pain, thankfully for pain pills. I hate to take them but sometimes you have to. I hope everyone is well and I will get to the postings to see what I can do to help out or keep the communication going.

I need to get back to Sending out my Easter Cards and then I will be able to come back and comment.

I have a wonderful card program if anyone would like to try it. We print, stuff, address, stamp and send the cards. All you do it put a litte ditty or note in it, pick out who you want to send it to and we do the rest. we even have gifts you can send. If you would like to try. Send a couple of cards on me.

God Bless and have a wonderful Day.

If you would like to be onmy card list feel free to send your name and address and I will send you cards on all different occassions. Have a friend that needs a pick me up card. Send me their name and address and a brief desc. of what is going on and I will send away.

Once Again GB,

Rev. Chuck


You know you're wired when...

Microwave ovens make you spark.

Member Quotes

I have an ICD which is both a pacer/defib. I have no problems with mine and it has saved my life.