Recovery looks like day 12 was my turning point! I actually feel normal MOST of the time. I still cant lay down w/ out pain around the ICD and turning over to either side is still VERY painful. BUT....I am so thankful to feel like my brain is back and energy is returning. I also ordered 2 medical ID bracelets today. One pretty and one for when I walk. I normally walk by myself and w/ out my purse, so that is when I might need one the most.

Thank you for those who gave me my pep talk last week! I am so thankful that I can look up things on this site and see that everything is normal and life DOES get better!

Now....I'm READY for SPRING!


Glad to hear

by paulb - 2010-02-20 08:02:32

I am glad to hear that you are starting to feel like yourself again. This is my 10th day post op and I know exactly how you feel. I am just happy to be able to shower again. I need to order me an i.d tag too. I hope you continue to get better. :))


by Pookie - 2010-02-20 09:02:50

great news for both of you!!! glad to here it.

the laying down part will come with're still healing inside.

Yes! everyone with a heart device should be wearing some kind of medical alert bracelet.

I personally love the one I got from LaurensHope.

Shop around, as there are some really cool bracelets out there these days.

Take care,

You know you're wired when...

You’re officially battery-operated.

Member Quotes

I had a pacemaker when I was 11. I never once thought I wasn't a 'normal kid' nor was I ever treated differently because of it. I could do everything all my friends were doing; I just happened to have a battery attached to my heart to help it work.