Walking...for my heart!

Walked 30 min w/ my sweet partner...a german shepherd! I know its not alot, but I've walked 220 minutes since last Friday! Wish I could go ahead and get my new Pulmonary Valve to see if I could walk more...or....maybe run????

No extra salt...and walk....remember - Your heart beats for YOU!

Andi...cloudy, but not raining in TX


I wish I could...

by GMan - 2010-03-10 08:03:05

I try and try to get a walking program going....maybe I need a dog?


Keep on Walkig!

by heartu - 2010-03-11 08:03:50

Aren't dogs great! They make sure we are exercised even if it means we start out slowly. Oh and don't forget about all those "great job" kisses they give us.

Mine is keeping my legs warm as I type away. I have about 2 more hours before she takes me out for my walk! lol

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