I think my pacemaker has moved

It used to be in Georgia with me, he just said, without any warning, that he was leaving and now I think he's living in Texas....my pacemaker that is.
Nah, just kidding. But seriously, I do think that my pacer has decided to shift a bit. I think things have stretched some. It's been 3 months. The last month or so when I moved a certain way it felt like something was stretching inside. I figured it was scar tissue, or something, but it didn't feel very pleasant. I just thought it was all a part of the healing process.
Now it seems a little closer to my armpit and kind of gets in the way when I move my arm to the other side. I killed a bug this morning by clapping my hands together really quickly, and it kind of sent a jolt through my shoulder.
I'm also am getting an interrogation next week at my request. (Gosh, interrogation sounds so awful. They should call it something else.) I've been having more tachycardic/ SVT breakthroughs, and I'm very curious to see if my "fancy" pacer is recording this short episodes. My EP nurse is convinced that they need to adjust my rate response, but I'm scared for them to adjust it so close to race time. My 5k is next month, and I'm scared for them to make any adjustments in fear that I won't be able to exercise. Who knows, though, they might tweek it and make it even better so I can run better. Who knows, I'm just freaking. I've dealt with this whole pacer thing so well that I forget that I'm just a newbie.
Comments are always appreciated. Thanks mucho-
Have a wonderfully "bionic" day, my friends,


Me too

by uvagershwin - 2008-11-10 05:11:46

Mine moved a bit, we suspect because of all the weight I've lost. Good luck with it and have it looked at. Luv ya!!!

Moving Pacemaker

by lahbigbro6 - 2008-11-10 06:11:33

My pacemaker moves all the time and shifts, installed 2001. When I move my arm, I am very thin so I see it more.


by Tracey_E - 2008-11-10 07:11:01

Tell them you are training for the marathon and want to come back in 48 hrs if you are still having problems. I did that when they made some changes to me last summer the week before a hiking vacation and they were nice about it.

In my experience, the more they get to know you and make minor adjustments, the better they get at it. At first, they're pretty much making educated guesses. Their guesses get a lot better as they learn more about you.I've had ajustments not make a problem better, but it's been many years since one made things worse.

As for shifting, it really shouldn't move that much. Ask when you go again, esp if it's bothering you. I could see that being a problem when you run.


by Tracey_E - 2008-11-10 07:11:23

So thaaaaat's what happens when it locks up while posting and you refresh the screen!


by Tracey_E - 2008-11-10 07:11:51

Tell them you are training for the marathon and want to come back in 48 hrs if you are still having problems. I did that when they made some changes to me last summer the week before a hiking vacation and they were nice about it.

In my experience, the more they get to know you and make minor adjustments, the better they get at it. At first, they're pretty much making educated guesses. Their guesses get a lot better as they learn more about you.I've had ajustments not make a problem better, but it's been many years since one made things worse.

As for shifting, it really shouldn't move that much. Ask when you go again, esp if it's bothering you. I could see that being a problem when you run.

Thanks ya'll

by Angelie - 2008-11-11 10:11:44

It has moved, ya'll, but it's not like it's hanging on a pendulum and sways back and forth. It's right on top of my pectoral muscle, and I am very thin- but muscular. It would make sense to me for it to move when I flex my arm. I was just saying that I think that it has literally moved over a little bit closer to my arm. It just seems like it's a bit closer than it was before.
Cabg, and Tracey thanks for the tweeking advice.


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