
Hi Everyone,
I am home from my epicardial lead placement. It was not a fun time, but I recovering nicely at home now. Surgery went well Thursday. Had a real bad day Friday, nausea and lots of pain. Pain control is diffucult for me due to allergies to codiene and morphine. It limits the choices. I'm doing okay on just 1 darvacet every 4 hours. Got home yesterday. Pacemaker people told me the pacemaker is working fine. The insicions seemto be healing well. I can take off all the bandages tomorrow and take a (most welcome) shower!! Can hardly wait. Daughter and grandson coming from AZ Thursday. Yipee!! I have to have this pacemaker working, I have to do all the grandma things with this little guy as he grows up - can't have a heart that's not working and expect to keep up with him! I'm sure glad to be on this side of the surgery. I hope my pacemaker lasts a long, long time so I don't have to do all this again any time soon. Thanks Pookie and Brenda for your messages, etc. Hope all is well with you too. Susan



by DanaT - 2010-02-15 09:02:52

Hi Susan. I am nervous enough about my upcoming first pm implant. And I know have a long time before I even need a lead replacement, but I heard it's painful to remove and put in new leads. Is that true? Is that done under local anethstesia too?


by 19SRN52 - 2010-02-15 10:02:53

Hi Dana,
I had the pacemaker implant Jan.6th. This past Thurs. I had an epicardial lead placement. That was quite painful. No, not done with local anesthesia, it was general anesthesia. The procedure itself I was asleep during. After the surgery it was quite painful. But, as I mentioned, I am allergic to codiene and morphine so that limits the pain meds they were able to give me. Some of the related pain meds weren't used either because of the allergies I had. The initial pacemaker implant wasn't so bad. I did have some complications with that as well, but I'm told the complications are not very common. I wouldn't worry about that so much. Of course, any surgery can be painful, but there are some wonderful pain meds that work really well for most people. I don't know about the lead replacement or pacemaker replacement that comes when the one you have runs out of batteries. I have only had mine about 6 weeks now. I had to have the sinus lead moved because inside the heart it was causing diaphram spasms, also not a usual complication. I don't know how many people have complications, but I don't think it is very many. I wouldn't be surprised if you breeze through yours easily. Try not to fret about it, anxiety doesn't help you. I will keep you in my prayers. When is your pm being implanted. Susan

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