what is that saying......

".......something........stick a needle in my eye"

Well, I've just returned from the eye doctor, and I can proudly say that I've lived that saying. Whatever that saying is. I wish I could remember it. I know it would mean much more to me if I could remember. I hate my alzheimer moments. Really embarrasing. Do ya'll ever avoid people, or better yet, avoid introducing your spouse to people you know because you can't remember the names of the people you want to introduce them to. I'm telling ya, it's a real predicament!
....stick a needle in my eye......."
Why can't I remember that. Jeez. And I'm a little late for Halloween, but am actually crying bloody tears now. So now, I've got this titanium baby titanic in my chest with the wonderful scar and sexy bulge to prove it, along with bloody tears. I'm a freakin' freak show. Really!
Have a wonderful weekend ya'll. Mind your doctors, and eat your veggies no matter how yucky they are.


Cross my heart. . .

by Smart Redd - 2008-11-13 07:11:37

I believe the expression you are looking for is used in conjunction with a solemn promise. . . "Cross my heart and hope to die, stick a needle in my eye."

Childhood sure can be gruesome.

In my case, I suppose I could cross my heart or my ICD with the same results?

Love, Redd

i know

by jessie - 2008-11-13 07:11:39

it happened to me. he the eye dr. came at me with a needle and stuck my eye. no warning.geezi have experienced also the alzheimer moments. hang in there jessie

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