Weight Lifting

I have had my pacemaker a little over a year now. Once it was installed I was told by my doctor that I am not able to weight lift anymore. Does everyone have the same issue?


Search "weight lifting"

by ccmoore - 2010-02-05 03:02:59

Log on and in the upper right hand corner of the opening page click on search. In the search box type in 'weight lifting' and enter. Read and decide.


Weight Lifting

by cfritza - 2010-02-05 12:02:18

I was told to wait abut 4weeks before weight lifting. I am not a heavy trainer just do it to keep muscle and tone. My pacemaker was put under my left pectoral muscle so sometimes It pulls tight when I do over the head curls.

I also asked if there was any certain one I shouldn't do and the PM nurse said no and that she had a pt. who was a body builder who had a PM and they just check occasionally his wires. She said that my EP puts them in a way so the wires dont bend as sharp.

I find it hard to believe that the benefits you get from weight training would outweigh the small risks of wearing out your wires. So many Dr.s have different opinions!


by GMan - 2010-02-06 12:02:00

I'm assuming that you want to TRAIN, not lift! I train all the time but waited 12/weeks to start again using the bar only. From a 300lb. bench/400 squat to the bar only. I started at 8 reps going to 12 then adding a little weight. I avoid anything too far overhead and definately don't lock out overhead. We are snowed in today in PA so I will train later. No more HEAVY DUTY training to failure. I had my share, time to move on. I will always train and always use progressive resistance and hopefully stay in shape.

Now as to the Drs. They can't talk about weight training LIABILITY. Most will say you can lift 5lbs. I listen then do what I want. Surgeon's advice. Be reasonable! I was also prescribed a lot of meds by my family doctor-Turning out to be a real DUNCE! I take the heart meds prescribed by the Cardiologist, but ration any others. I'm going by how I feel!

Hope this helps. Feel free to contact me. Also go to IRONONLINE and join-free. Dave Draper, remember him...before your time but he was from Jersey, went on to be one of the greatest bodybuilders...he had a 1 of a kind Viking look(never duplicated) He has had his share of problems including a PM.

Hey, love the show JERSEY SHORE. Man, those were the days in my time....but we went to Lauderdale, Florida.

Good luck!


You know you're wired when...

You make store alarms beep.

Member Quotes

Yesterday was my first day mountain biking after my implant. I wiped out several times and everything is fine. There are sports after pacemakers!