Starting to hurt ;(

My pacemaker area is really starting to get more and more tender. I don't really know what to do about it.
The darn thing is just so close to my shoulder bone on top of my pectoral muscle and it moves so much with every move. It appears to be bulging out a bit more, but I wonder if I'm losing weight. My ribs stick out from my breastbone in front anyways, and always have. (some of you I know are saying, "eww")
I get my pacer checked tomorrow, because of runs of what feels to me like flutter. Not like I expect them to do anything about the flutter, or if they can, but it sure would be nice to know what's going on. I get runs of these weird beats and then I'm scared to run on the treadmill. I got a lot going on right now. I can't wait for things to quiet back down. I think I was doing better the week after my implant than I feel like I've been for the last few weeks. This sucks. I haven't told my local cardiologist about it yet. He can be a bit of a smarty britches, plus I work with him every morning (at least until he leaves to go to his office- thank goodness it's just the mornings)
What cha'll think,


they got my flutter out

by lryegbert - 2008-11-19 05:11:29

They ajusted my pm looking at a ecocardieagram ? spelling you could see the heart shaking and as they made adjustments it smothed out.has been fine everafter.
good luck,. toast to your good health


by enigma - 2008-11-20 05:11:12

I also have had some discomfort with my pacemaker, its right under my left collorbone too. I have spoken to my cardiologist and she said that because i am so skinny that is the reason for the discomfort. Sometimes when i sleep on my side ill wake up and there will be a bruise where it was poking all night. They said it was normal to have some discomfort and that if i wanted they could put it in the muscle as opposed to right under the skin. Im really not interested in another surgery, that will most likely be more painful because of the cutting into the muscle. I try to just not sleep on that side or wear shirts that press down on it. Even my seatbelt in my car is uncomfortable. I just bought one of those seatbelt covers and it helps alot. But you do have some options.

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