
i recently had a pm implanted haven't started
lifting yet.curious about benching usually rep 235lbs 12to 15 reps
3 sets are shoulder presses ok and what about dips
im just worried din't what to mess anything up


6 weeks?

by realkarl - 2010-02-11 01:02:10

I am not a weightlifter, but I am looking forward to getting back to the gym. I am 4 1/2 weeks out myself, and have been exercising only on a stationary bike, and taking walks so far. I have read it's recommended to wait 6 weeks for strenuous weight training. I intend to start some very mild upper body exercises and stretching soon.

Weight 12/weeks...wait!

by GMan - 2010-02-11 02:02:02

then start real light.

12 weeks!

by realkarl - 2010-02-11 05:02:37

12 weeks is how long I had to wait after my open heart surgery for my breast bone to heal 100%!

The best person to ask is surely our doctor, which I will do...


by tsimbrow - 2010-02-11 08:02:48

To all of you weightlifters out there. I have just posted something for your reading pleasure. I am a nurse and I have been told that it is 6 weeks minimum before doing anything like that and even then check with your doctor. i agree with what everyone has said. Stationary bikes and walks are a good idea. Any strenuous activity that involves your pectoralis area or chest such as sit ups, push up, etc..., are not recommended as it can dislodge the pacemaker and then you will have to go back in and then wait evenm longer. Try to relax and sit on your hands if you have to. If you are jiving that much to get back into something absolutely call your doctor and see what type of plan he can come up with so that you can do something. If your hospital has a rehab facility they might be agreeable to allow you to do some of what you want to do with someone watching you to make sure that you are OK. I always recommend talkming to your doctor first before going back to any strenous activity. Hope this helps.


by Hoosier - 2010-02-21 06:02:52

It seems that all EP have different opinions as to when to resume weightlifting. I had my PM implant on 2-10-10 and my first checkup on 2-19. I asked about resuming weightlifting and he said after th 4 week mark I could resume any activity.

I specifically asked about bench presses, military presses and shoulder flys, he said no problem with any weightlifting.

After doing searches here I think I am going to "weight" at least 6 weeks. Since implants is what these guys do, you'd like to think that opinions would be more standard.



by dw406904 - 2010-02-25 01:02:56

I waited 8 wks. before doing weights and it took me about 6-8 wks. to get back to where I was before the PM, but after that its just like before, I don't notice any effect on any of the machines I use...

weight lifting

by tberd - 2010-03-12 12:03:00

well its been 7 wks started to lift yesterday felt great
alittle worried about leads but did it slow and easy
i think its a mental thing which will get better over time

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